Where To Drill


Feb 3, 2007
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Up-State New York
Got my diamond bit in the mail today so tank should be getting drilled this week! Only problem is i'm not sure where to drill it.

I'm putting in two 3/4" holes and I know I want them to be in the center I'm just not sure what height will be the best. ie, more towards the top... or more towards the bottom. I will be having an internal overflow which teeth ending 3" from the top so sump does not overflow and I will also probably be playing around with a durso.
i usually drill the base, but i have drilled the side in the past and got it pretty quiet using a durso sort of thing, with the hole on the water level and the bend going down into the tank a bit, and the bit for air escaping outside the tank, so it didnt take up much room. if this makes sense?
So you basically just used an elbow?

Unfortunately I can't drill the base as its tempered.

EDIT: I read about the calfo overflow, it sounds similar to what you described ben, I think I may go with a modified version of it.
yeah, sort of elbowed it down a bit, the actual hole was on water line and the rest of it was outside. Small weir then
what do you think of two holes at the water line with no plumbing inside the weir but then outisde of the tank have a calfo/durso type design to cut back on noise.
you would have to atleat have a tank connector in there. The reason i elbowed downwards was so water didnt stagnent in the bottom of the weir
Good point, maybe i'll do that then with hole at the water level.
Elbow --> Bulkhead --> T --> One side cap with air hole - Other side down to sump
Ben, after thinking about it more I really like the simple idea better for various reasons but i'm wondering if you have any problems with the design when pump gets turned off and then turned back on.

Also could I have a picture of your plumbing pretty please. :blush: Tried searching for one in like a journal but couldn't find
that tank is long gone im afraid nemo.

i didnt have any problems, bar the longer you elbow down into your weir, the more water you need room for in a powercut. My weir was quite small though and i like to have plenty of extra room in thge sump, ive never ran one with a high water line
hi ben i think i have done the same as you did but its pointing up so its making a lot of noise but im going to sort it out at the weekend. i will get a picture soon :good:
Harry, it will be making a lot of noise if there isnt the section on the outside where the air can escape.
this is how mine was, bad paint pic

Very similar to this I think?,


Just replace the intake strainer with a 90 and a length of pipe down to the bottom of your weir
Here is some more info for you NEMO hopefully it will be of some help to you if you’re going to be drilling your own holes,

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