i second that, thanks for the plug, im not sending fish out now until the cold weather passes, ive cancelled all my listing of live fish on ebay b/c of this reason and a forcast for this week coming - mid january,only selling pick up onlys, the welfare of my fish come way before money issues at this time of the year but will be having a great new WAMBAM!!!!!!! impact of fresh stock that are shop bred as soon as the weather gets past the chill that is expected. the website is shortly gunna be under maintenence for an exciting new look and added features to it for people to be able to buy anything to do with bettas and much much more, everyone as usual welcome to have a browse when its ready so might be a good idea to save the site to your favourites for the new launch.
How come?
How come?
cos it opens up so many more havens for me to oggle bettas.....i badly want another one, don't think i can afford to get another tank or anything just yet, and seeing as my current tank is only about 2 months old i should probably just keep with that
but yes....I will have more male bettas planning to set up smaller single tanks, rather than another community like I have now although Odin does seem to enjoy it!
Lol yeah cant wait to get them, ol my shimmer was only a little less than an inch when i got her she is still really smal and her coours are changing loads lol so guessing she is still a baby, her stripes are fding over with colour!Awwww I very much look forward to seeing!!!
I was oggling the baby girls in the LFS today.....they were pretty small, but beautiful!!!