Where To Buy Apistos?


Fish Crazy
Sep 4, 2011
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Hey guys, I got given a 125L tank and was wanting to have a few groups of dwarf cichlids as the "centrepiece" of the tank, I started looking at apistos and quite like the Agassizi and Cacatuoide strains. Firstly would a pair of these be ok in a tank this size? Plenty of plants available from my other tanks and plenty of terracotta pots to go around :lol:

Secondly, does anyone know of any LFS's that stock Apistos around Bristol? Would rather go into a store and buy them that way than risk postage.

I think a pair of cacatuoides would be ok, better in trios though. Not sure if you have any Maidenhead Aquatics near you (search for them on google or any other popular search engine) but they often have a range of apistos
I do have one but never seen them in there, only things like Bolivians, Severums, small Oscars etc. Suppose I could ask though, would a pair of each be ok? Im using a Tetratec EX1200 so theres a hell of a lot of filtration going on

there is a great shop for apisto's not far from bristol near warminster in a little village called corsley called acres supply, i went there a few months ago and they had a large choice of apisto's very good little shop look it up and give them a ring
I have just brought 2 pairs one cacs the other baenchi from a breeder in Bristol, if you can send me an e-mail (see my profile) I will happily pass on his details for you.
I have 9 caca fry waiting to go soon if your interested?
they are around 1 cm long at the moment mate so if you have a floating trap to keep them in you can have them soon if you like, dont want them getting eaten. how much would you offer? obviously they are juves
I have a seperate tank setup for Dwarf cichlids and stuff so predators aren't a problem really, im not too sure how much I would offer really, new to apistos so dont know prices and things, what would you be happy with for them?
well i have seen 1 pair of nejessis for sale in filton for 22 pound thats 11 pound each so i would prob sell for 3 pound each?
I can do that I guess, are you able to sex them so young or is it a trial and error kinda thing with them pairing?
too small to sex but i would buy 4 or 5 then you have a good chance of a pair then sell the others sexed and get your money back thats what i do :)
ok deal do you want them soon or do you want me to grow them a bit first?

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