Where To Buy Adult Angels Online?


Fish Herder
Jan 12, 2014
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I plan on buying 6 adult angels, but i cant find anywhere that sells them for a good price right now im looking at this place, http://www.angelmania.net/shop/catalog/browse?sessid=fjpVv17dEKm9b9EzlJvCwJJGGeCbh5XT7ZcW6auxUIH6XeGdRYWiF6Dz5vMxWzfx&shop_param= but it is a lot of money. 
These are what i want to get from them, if anyone knows anywhere else selling cheap adult angels, please let me know :)
2 blue ghosts 2@$35 = $70
2 blue pinoy 2@$35 = $70
2 blue marble @$40 = $80
Shipping = $65
Total = $285
I've seen lots of adult angels (lots of mates pairs) on aquabid. I'm not sure if they are within your budget. Would be worth a check, though. I'm rather fond of the koi angels myself. I'm hoping to get a 100-120 gallon for them in a year or two.
Okay so I just looked through aquabid (and now I have angel envy), but it looks like they are pretty expensive at adult or breeding size. Sorry. :(
Ooooh they are gorgeous! I want to build a new tank now, haha!

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