Where Do You Prefer To Purchase Your Bettas?


Starting again
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
Just as above, do you just pick whichever is local, internet, small specialist stores, larger stores like Pets ay Home and Maidenheads? Mix and match?

When you go does the price have a strong effect whether buy or not? Do you look for something in particular? Do you specifically rescue? Things I have not answered?

Just curiosity as everyone works differently. Me? I considered rescuing for a while, but prefer proper breeders and importers for quality and they are looked after better generally from the beginning. Also you can get to know them and they can get you specifics. Price wise, locally to me it is £4 for mostly torn battered bettas or £6 upwards depending on the tail from specialists. I havent tried postal yet but would consider depending on reputation. I do like to shop around and look everywhere if can!

What do you guys do?
:lol: ;) I think I am just going to wink at you there! lol Finally found my way there today, it is great!

Hope you are keeping well? x
DPfishways :)

I look on line but their stupid money

I've bought from there too:) I also keep my eye out locally and scan ebay a few times a week :good:

There are some bargains about on-line at present, but yeh there are some which are way too expensive. There are some nice dragons i have my eye on at the mo on ebay, but dont know if i can trust myself with bettas again lol They seemed to multiply due to being addictive lol
Are Netty and Bronzecat still going?
They also had gorgeous fish, only I haven't seen any posts put up by them forever...

Edit: I am the Typo Queen!
half the regular betta people all got banned at the some time for something.
I only have two, but where I buy them from depends on why I want them.

If I wanted something specific, I wouldn't hesitate to spend the extra to get one from a specialist breeder.

However, the two I have come from lfs. One was a P@H buy, he's a red VT. The other was a rescue (cold, tiny cup, you know the dril). He's a pink/blue/red (cambodian??) VT.

The P@H boy was my first betta. I had no idea what was really on offer and just loved the idea of having one. The second was bought as a cold-blooded rescue after I'd been there a few times and seen how sad and inactive he was.
Thanks guys keep the answers coming, I am curious and it is good how others shop for fish and what they look for!

Netty and Bronzecat are still going with their gorgeour fish too! :)
I usually go to pets at home for any fish i buy, accept from goldfish every goldfish ive ever got from their has always died within a month considering i looked after them properly.
Ive only ever bought 1 betta, but in the future when i divide my tank I might go somewhere else to get a specific colour betta or a specific tye but if i just fancy an ordinary betta ill go to pets at home, plus its closer and i would maybe like to rescue from there.
The betta i bought from pets at home cost me £4.16
Also as lilacammy said, she prefers them bred well, I agree I would like them from a very young age of them being well cared for and havign beautiful fins and health.
Have only bought from private breeders where i am able to view there setups and other fish.
I also import (to me it's worth the extra cash).

If i'm at a pet store that keeps their bettas comfortably and i spot a veiltail that i really like i may splurge but to be honest i don't buy into this rescue stuff - To me you're only adding to the problem.
Rather than starting a simlar topic - I bought a couple of bettas off Kevin Piper (bettaman) a few years ago, is he still going?

If not, where could I buy one from please?
Rather than starting a simlar topic - I bought a couple of bettas off Kevin Piper (bettaman) a few years ago, is he still going?

If not, where could I buy one from please?

Kevin is still Going but is having to wait for a Nest of Bees to vacate his fishroom, before he can start renovating it.
Google kgbettas

I like to buy from Ebay, LFS and Aquabid. Aquabid does cost more and the fish are stunning.

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