Where do you get sand?

CFC said:
Dont be so cheap and go for the silica sand, i recently got some for one of my tanks and was so pleased with the results i have changed all but two of my twelve tanks over to it. You should be able to order the sand from any large fish store, most branches Maidenhead aquatics should carry it as a stock item, expect to pay around 80p-£1 a kilo or £12.50 for a 25 kilo sack.
I couldn't get 'proper' sand anywhere near me, and I live in a city. Also, not everone has the transport.

I suppose it doepends what you're after but I don't really know why people would want to pay more and have more hassle. Fishkeeping is expensive enough already.

Oh and Jae, I also have a "lazy student lifestyle". Ahhhh, bliss. :)
It depends on the footprint of the tank but between 3 and 5 kilos will give you coverage with a depth of around 1/2" which will be fine for a fish only tank. If you have live plants then a deeper bed will be needed but to be honest i dont recomend sand for planted tanks since it is easily moved and often the roots are left uncovered, a small grain gravel (2mm) is what i use for planted tanks.

The trouble i have found with silver sand (play sand) is that it is very light in colour and tends to reflect the light from the tubes making the tank very bright and washing the natural colours from the fish. Fish are far happier on a darker substrate as most have evolved to be camaflaged from above when against a dark substrate, being against a light substrate can cause stress and even make the fish attempt to swim upside down in extreem cases.
My average day consists of sitting in front of my pc, playing my guitar and then mabe popping out to work for a few hours where I run shifts from the office whilst taking full advantage of the company phone.

Ahhhhhh! Sweet studenty joy.
The only place I can find silica sand from in manchester only sells it by the tonn!!

I give up! Maybe some play sand mixed with black substrait stuff I've seen around?

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