Where Do I Stand,regarding My Tank Problem And Lfs?


May 12, 2009
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hi all

wandered if i could have some help

my tank i noticed was leaking (12 days or so ago) and i informed my LFS where i bought it from, its only 1 month old, and also the poor quality of the cabinet.

they said they would replace both and i was happy,and they said within a week i would have them,i though a week was alot but bit my tongue!!

i told them that i needed all of this sorted by next friday 22/5 as im working away,and they said that would be fine.

i rang today and they have the tank but no stand,the stand may take upto 2 weeks!!! they said i could have the tank,but what would i put it on!!! idiots!!!!

what can i do? can i demand a refund? or store credit?

this is causing alot of grief which i realy do not need

im not saying what LFS chain it is as that wouldnt be fair.


take the tank put it on your floor and wait for the stand what i would do

Whilst you are waiting you could fishless cycle the tank so no need to add any ornaments or gravel but gives you a head start
Or you could quote the sales of goods act at them and tell them you want a full refund as it is not fit for the purpose it was sold for. You might find that they can come to a compronise with you
Personally I would ask for a full refund and go somewhere else for a tank, failing that tell them you would accept an upgrade as a replacement :)
Is the current stand not good enough until the new one arrives, although that said you would have to empty and move the tank twice! I would have a look in the store and see if they have ANY other cabinet that would fit your tank and demand that 1, im really surprised you are having all this trouble they seem quite good to me but as I said earlier I only get my fish from there. If you decided to throw it back at them I can highly recommend http://www.aquariumsdelivered.co.uk/catalog/ A1 service, thats where I got mine from.

take the tank put it on your floor and wait for the stand what i would do

Whilst you are waiting you could fishless cycle the tank so no need to add any ornaments or gravel but gives you a head start

its a vicenza tank,and the inlet and outlet come up through the bottom of the tank.

they are nice people and said i could have a replacement,but i cant wait that long,im working away as of next friday and i need it sorted by then.

they surely would of known the stand was not available when they ordered the tank!!

its realy annoyed me,im goin in tommorrow,and im gonna kick up hell.

i would gladly accept another tank that i see,that is worth the same and the same ish size.
put the fish in a filtered bucket and get your money back.. an lfs i used to use was able to sort/ lend a new tank within hours not weeks

sorry edited to expand..( was on the fone) .. get the fish into a suitable container, filtered, heated, you will need to do reg water changes, maybe twice daily.. but no, not put up with delays, get your money back and go to a place that has the same or similar in stock and tranfer it all.. its poss just a one off, the shop isnt at fault, but they cant get it fast enuff :)
take the tank put it on your floor and wait for the stand what i would do

Whilst you are waiting you could fishless cycle the tank so no need to add any ornaments or gravel but gives you a head start

its a vicenza tank,and the inlet and outlet come up through the bottom of the tank.

they are nice people and said i could have a replacement,but i cant wait that long,im working away as of next friday and i need it sorted by then.

they surely would of known the stand was not available when they ordered the tank!!

its realy annoyed me,im goin in tommorrow,and im gonna kick up hell.

i would gladly accept another tank that i see,that is worth the same and the same ish size.

I would give em hell, ask for a refund and as you are off to the one near me tomorrow have a look round see if anything takes your fancy, failing that have a look on the website above and they will deliver the tank to a bow shop of your choice, they did mine same day. :good:

hi all

wandered if i could have some help

my tank i noticed was leaking (12 days or so ago) and i informed my LFS where i bought it from, its only 1 month old, and also the poor quality of the cabinet.

they said they would replace both and i was happy,and they said within a week i would have them,i though a week was alot but bit my tongue!!

i told them that i needed all of this sorted by next friday 22/5 as im working away,and they said that would be fine.

i rang today and they have the tank but no stand,the stand may take upto 2 weeks!!! they said i could have the tank,but what would i put it on!!! idiots!!!!

what can i do? can i demand a refund? or store credit?

this is causing alot of grief which i realy do not need

im not saying what LFS chain it is as that wouldnt be fair.


You are entitled to a refund even if you simply change your mind in the UK. Unfortunately, because the goods have been used and questionably damaged by the use (not saying you did but...) then your right to a refund becomes a little more shaky as if you took it to a small claim court (if they won't refund) it could be argued that through your misuse you caused the leak. Thats my take now on to the reality.

Being as the above is pretty much how it is and the shop is willing to replace then you should be patient as it sounds like they are being quite reasonable even though they have not questioned your use of the product. If you are not willing to do so, one loop hole you could try is back to my original sentence about changing your mind, whereby when the replacement goods are offered, refuse them and at that point demand a refund as you are entitled to it. However if you have already accepted the tank and are just waiting for the stand it's a bit more tricky to play that one.

My best advice is that fish keeping is not an "overnight rush into it hobby" so a few weeks here or there should not really matter to you (whats the rush?). It seems that advances in technology and industry we have, as consumers, become programmed to believe that things happen by pressing a button. This is clearly not the case and this experience may just teach you the best lesson you could learn about keeping fish or purchasing anything for that matter.
My best advice is that fish keeping is not an "overnight rush into it hobby" so a few weeks here or there should not really matter to you (whats the rush?). It seems that advances in technology and industry we have, as consumers, become programmed to believe that things happen by pressing a button. This is clearly not the case and this experience may just teach you the best lesson you could learn about keeping fish or purchasing anything for that matter.

He is prob in a rush as he has fish in a tank with a leak and is going away soon. Cant say I blame him, I would be exactly the same. :good:

My best advice is that fish keeping is not an "overnight rush into it hobby" so a few weeks here or there should not really matter to you (whats the rush?). It seems that advances in technology and industry we have, as consumers, become programmed to believe that things happen by pressing a button. This is clearly not the case and this experience may just teach you the best lesson you could learn about keeping fish or purchasing anything for that matter.

He is prob in a rush as he has fish in a tank with a leak and is going away soon. Cant say I blame him, I would be exactly the same. :good:

Being as the shop have been so reasonable, it sounds like they are "nice", I almost certain they would house them temporarily (if asked politely) but I don't know this of course. If they have replaced the tank already then I guess there is at least somewhere to keep the fish...
hi all

wandered if i could have some help

my tank i noticed was leaking (12 days or so ago) and i informed my LFS where i bought it from, its only 1 month old, and also the poor quality of the cabinet.

they said they would replace both and i was happy,and they said within a week i would have them,i though a week was alot but bit my tongue!!

i told them that i needed all of this sorted by next friday 22/5 as im working away,and they said that would be fine.

i rang today and they have the tank but no stand,the stand may take upto 2 weeks!!! they said i could have the tank,but what would i put it on!!! idiots!!!!

what can i do? can i demand a refund? or store credit?

this is causing alot of grief which i realy do not need

im not saying what LFS chain it is as that wouldnt be fair.


You are entitled to a refund even if you simply change your mind in the UK. Unfortunately, because the goods have been used and questionably damaged by the use (not saying you did but...) then your right to a refund becomes a little more shaky as if you took it to a small claim court (if they won't refund) it could be argued that through your misuse you caused the leak. Thats my take now on to the reality.

Being as the above is pretty much how it is and the shop is willing to replace then you should be patient as it sounds like they are being quite reasonable even though they have not questioned your use of the product. If you are not willing to do so, one loop hole you could try is back to my original sentence about changing your mind, whereby when the replacement goods are offered, refuse them and at that point demand a refund as you are entitled to it. However if you have already accepted the tank and are just waiting for the stand it's a bit more tricky to play that one.

My best advice is that fish keeping is not an "overnight rush into it hobby" so a few weeks here or there should not really matter to you (whats the rush?). It seems that advances in technology and industry we have, as consumers, become programmed to believe that things happen by pressing a button. This is clearly not the case and this experience may just teach you the best lesson you could learn about keeping fish or purchasing anything for that matter.

you are only entitled to a refund "cos you changed your mind" at the discrettion of the managment

overnight rush?? :lol: :lol: what you on pal.. his tank is leaking.. how`s that his problem.... dont tell me , he should have bought 2 to be on the safe side :lol:
You should have no problem getting a refund if thats what you want because by offering an exchange they are admitting that there is a fault - They are well within their rights to offer an exchange and not offer a refund, after a certain period.
A lot of retailers will offer a refund within 28 days but only exchange within its warranty period after that


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