Where Do I Get This Tank Gravel?

zambezi river sand, HTH
I think I found some that's relatively close. Here it is, and here's the link to the site.
I think I found some that's relatively close. Here it is,
Any sort of Silica sand will give you a similar look and texture, I wouldn't buy any fancy sand to match the picture. You can find Silica sand in a lot places for dirt cheap 50-100lb bags for 10 bucks :good:
What colors does silica sand come in? Can I find it in a sort of tan/white/brown mix easily? I want the colors in the first pic.
It's just natural colouring. The first pic has it under bright light and very close up, so expect it to look different when looking at your tank as a whole. It is quite light anyway though.
Silica sand is usually all earth colors your brown, tans and whites. It is very natural looking, definatly the same as in your original picture. Its not like play sand with its uniform small grains, its slightly larger in grain and a lot less uniform leading to a natural river look

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