Where can I get some beneficial bacteria...?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
I read in all the articles and FAQs I need some gravel from a well established tank to get some benficial bacteria in there because I don't have any yet.

Where can I get some? Is there an alternative, someone said potted plants, can someone explain that?


Someone with a tank who can give you some gravel, or a mature filter sponge or bio spira that depends on your location.
Even if you can't get any from an already cycled tank, you will grow your own during the cycle of your tank. Adding some from an established tank will help speed up the process in your tank, but it's not essential for cycling a new tank.
Well, noone I know has a fishtank....literally NOT ONE.

So I guess i'll try begging the lfs, or BUYING some.

I want to get ti cycled asap.

I'll send you a piece of sponge, which has been in my 10g for about a month, for $2 plus shipping and handling if you live in the U.S.
It's a 4in X 4in X 1in piece. (Approx.) The sponge is only there to slow down the water coming out of the filter. (I have a planted tank.) Lately, though, it has become too loaded with bacteria and stuff, so I was hoping that I would find someone in need of it. PM me your address if you want it. :)
is it not possible to use something like stresscoat??

No, it is not possible. Have you read the pinned thread(s) on cycling? Stress Coat will neutralize the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate in the water... therefore, it will not allow the tank to cycle.
No. Logan is plaining on doing a fishless cycle, which is a way to build up the beneficial bacteria before you add fish. One way to speed up the fishless cycling (or any cycling) is to add some bacteria from an established tank.

Stress coat will help the fish by stimulating their natural slime coat. It also helps to reduce some of the stress in the tank.
I sent you a PM 3fsh, I hope you're not a stalker :look:

Also, what do I do with the sponge when i gets here?

Do I just drop it in my tank, or put it in my filter box or what?

Sorry for sounding so ignorant :/

sponge filter :) also the sponge inside what ever filter u were using. Its not hard to obtain this kind of bacteria but you must know how to keep them. That is when doing water change you should only use ur aquarium water that change out to wash ur sponge. No tap water. Or the bacteria will die off. And eventurally ur tank = massive ammonia'd which means fish disease will soon hit ur tank hard.
With all due respect, the bacteria on the piece of sponge would most probably die during posting. Keeping the sponge out of water for more than 30 mins will kill off most of the bacteria. The rest will die in the post. Sorry, it's just not worth the hassle.
What about 'BacterLife'? It should help.

Bacterlife is a blend of those essential nitrifying and sludge digesting bacteria which are vital in all filtration systems. These helpful bacteria aid the breakdown of fish waste, uneaten food and plant debris and help to render them harmless.

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