Where Can I Buy Those Styrofoam For Fish Tank Base

fishfishfish. You don't need foam under your tank and you don't need it in your tank. If you want to keep the rocks off of your glass without having a substrate between them then I would suggest you use eggcrate under your rocks. I'd be worried about diggers (cichlids) tearing off chunks of foam and having them floating around.

Everyone else. Think of it this way...if a piece of sand gets under your tank and your tank's bottom glass sits flat on the stand then your gonna have problems. If you have the plastic frame then even a piece of gravel shouldn't cause a problem as it will not touch the glass. I do not condone placing gravel under tanks btw. the sand and gravel is just a metaphor of sorts. The grain of sand could be anything, an unsanded spot of wood, a gradual bow caused by moisture, a nail, anything really.
Take an empty drinking glass, invert it, and push down with your finger to where you think you are applying 5 pounds of pressure, try 10 pounds. The glass won't break, and it's probably much thinner than an aquarium.

The reason they build them that way is to make building stands easier.

Now i understand, thank you very much :good:
I used to steal it from the Design department at school.
b&q sell polysyrine cost me about 10 quid for 6 sheets about 4'x2x more than im ever gonna need and very good value it was near the roof insulation stuff if thats any help :good:
Mojo beat me to it! I've found it in my local B&Q store too.

I'm reading conflicting views on this thread though. I understand what people are saying about the "grain of sand" on a flat base, but surely this isn't an issue of sat on polystyrene, as the poly would absorb the "grain" and give an even surface.

I have a Juwel tank with the plastic rim just holding the edge, but am building a much nicer wood base and lid for it. Can I remove the plastic rim and sit it on poly instead??
sorry i came in abit late on this one lol, but as most of you probably know Juwel tanks come with the plastic rim, and specificly say no polystyrene.
yes the polystyrene will absorb the "grain of sand" but it's not needed if your tank has the plastic frame.
yes the polystyrene will absorb the "grain of sand" but it's not needed if your tank has the plastic frame.
Yeah I understand this, but if I were to remove the plastic frame and use poly instead, would that be so bad?

This is what I plan to do.
yes the polystyrene will absorb the "grain of sand" but it's not needed if your tank has the plastic frame.
Yeah I understand this, but if I were to remove the plastic frame and use poly instead, would that be so bad?

This is what I plan to do.

It wouldn't be bad if you don't mind voiding the warranty, and perhaps some water damage if the tank leaks.

Those top & bottom rims are also a structural member, they can use a bit thinner glass and let the plastic rim act similar to bands on a barrel.

If that frame really bugs you, carefully pry it off, you will probably need a razor knife, perhaps a heat gun if it's stuck on with some silicone. Get the thinnest padding you can find if the sides still support the base. Make sure the surface is level if there is no rim support, you may have to trim a little silicone off of the outside bottom.
My base rim isn't stuck on. Its a bit of black plastic that the tank just sits into.

I want to take it off, as I'm making my own lid and will be making the base to match. So there will still be about 2 inches of frame around the base of the tank, with the tank sat on a 1 inch thick piece of poly board.
Not sure if it's already been said...

But if you buy a tank with the frame underneath (also termed 'floating base') then do not use styrofoam/polystyrene underneath it!

I know that the Fluval tanks normally have floating bases, and specifically say NOT to use it.
I think the Juwel's say this too.

But what I want to know is, is there a scientific reason for it?

I am to be building a whole new base and frame so the bottom will still be "held together"

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