Where are females Iriatherina and Pseudomugil ?

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Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2021
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Hey there,
When it comes to Iriatherina wernerii (Threadfin Rainbowfish) and Pseudomugil gertruadae (Spotted Blue-eye), I loose my mind 😂
Problem is females Iriatherina are unobtainable, pretty much the same for Pseudomugil.
Do I have to give up on them ?
Or males can live together without fighting ?
Does no female mean no "temptation" to fight ?
Any opinion will be appreciated ;)
Every time I've looked for Iriatherina wernerii I've only found shops with males, except once. I was so excited to find a shop with males and females that I went home and set up my quarantine tank, only to find there were virtually no bacteria in my mature media so I ended up doing a fishless cycle in the QT. By the time it finished, all the rainbows had gone and I've never seen females since :(
In Australia we get males and females in the same shipment. You could ask your pet shop to order males and females for you. Most shops can get females but choose males because of the fins and colour. In reality, rainbowfish do best in groups of males and females. Try to have even numbers of males (2, 4, 6) and try to keep males that are the same size so the bigger ones don't bully the smaller ones. All rainbowfish do best in groups of at least 6 (preferably 10) or more.

You could try getting eggs from breeders and grow them up. There are rainbowfish societies in lots of countries but the German rainbowfish group has lots of members in Europe, and America has Gary Lange and the American rainbow society on Facebook.

The following link has all the known species of rainbowfish from Australia and New Guinea and is worth a look at if you are interested in them.
@Colin_T in Australia you're much more closer than me to their biotope !
I already asked my 2 LPS. Answers were the same : no females Iriatherina, perhaps in several weeks females Pseudomugil, meaning no.
All rainbowfish do best in groups of at least 6 (preferably 10) or more.
I know that ! What I "fear" is possible squabbles between males, that never happened with Endlers and Guppies I kept.
Getting eggs is a good idea, not sure if I can get some in France.
I'm gonna try German sites as trip is not too long to my place.

Anyway, thanks Colin and @Essjay

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