Whens It Safe To Move Fish Eggs/fry To Another Tank?


Fish Crazy
Dec 23, 2009
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Well my corys spawned 3 days ago and currently got the eggs in a net in the same tank, i was going to wait till they where a bit bigger and put them in a breeding box ive got (its got slits in didnt trust new borns to not escape from it) but insted ive divided my 5gal (have my betta in there) and want to transfer them into that insted. Just wondering when it will be safe to transfer them? being over cautious with everything :lol:
Caution is not a bad thing!

As long as the water stats are the same in the new tank (i.e. take water from the main tank into the fry tank at the same time as you move them) then there should be no issues.

If possible - Dont use a net to move them as you risk the chance of damaging them. Always either scoop them out with a cup or use a hose and syphone them out with some water.

Good luck with your babies.
Caution is not a bad thing!

As long as the water stats are the same in the new tank (i.e. take water from the main tank into the fry tank at the same time as you move them) then there should be no issues.

If possible - Dont use a net to move them as you risk the chance of damaging them. Always either scoop them out with a cup or use a hose and syphone them out with some water.

Good luck with your babies.

thought as much wanted to double check tho.

What ill do is get some water in a jug and keep the net suspended so theres no strain put on anything :fun:

when transfering them saw i have a couple that have hatched :hyper:

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