When Will My Platy Give Birth?

Do you know what sort of platy this is?

http://s1120.photobucket.com/albums/l492/LucyB97/?action=view&current=00thumbnailplaty-profile.jpg :good:
Just been to check on her this morning, no fry yet, but she has fully squared off and her gravid spot is dark brown!! :hyper:
I just got a pic of her and she is squaring off, but in this picture, it is round! :blink: It is square-ish, honest!! :blush:
But on the plus side, you can kind of see the fry's eyes!! :look:

Just a quick question, I just went to see her and she has, a long clearish/white thing hanging out of her bum, I don't know what this is should I be worried?! :crazy: It might just be poop ????:dunno:
Hi guys,
I think she has just about totally squared off now :hyper: But still has not given birth. She seems really stressed, she pants and moves her fins back and forth super fast. :crazy: When I switch the aquarium lights on in the morning, she goes mental. I don't know whats happening to her (this has only been happening for about 2 days) Is it just her getting ready to go into labour or something else? :dunno:

Thanks :thanks:
by the way my platy first batch of fry she had 20. so you many end up with lots. and they are hard to see too. the only reason why i realized that my platy had, had them was because she was getting slimmer again. but yea that white gets bigger and then you will have fry within a week or two. the biggest sign is that she will hide from everyone in the plant area to give birth and she will stop eating and start heavily breath.
that long white clearish thing is her getting ready to drop the frys. you might also want to keep the light off, i have heard that it can stress them out when they are about to give birth.

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