when u get sick of the fish u have got


Fish Herder
Apr 26, 2004
Reaction score
Central Coast, NSW Australia
what do u do when u want to have a change with what fish u have got in your tank? for example i really want some panda cories or cories of some sort but i dont have enough room in my tank. i cant get another tank because i dont have enough room and my parents wont let me. anyone have any suggestions with what i could do or what they would do in the same situation?
You'll have to speak to your LFS and see if they'd give you store credit for the fish you want to get rid of. I assume this is about your 15g, 15g wouldn't keep many people on this forum happy for long as a main tank, so get to work on the parents and get a bigger one or the same thing will probably happen again... ;)
What's 15 galons in litres? Sorry I'm in the UK and don't know what your gallons are.

I would have thought you could get a few cory's in there aswell the bristlenose is the only one that will share the space with them.

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