When To The Fish Shop Today

Whet to work yesterday and they were feeding them bloodworm but they were a lot smaller so ill have to use cyclops and im going to buy 4 more, all i can rely afford
sterbai look great cannot wait to see your tank set up.
Thanks Jonny
Just reserved 4 more and my dad will be collecting them tomorrow cannot wait to get some proper pictures of them to show u lot
Well 2-day preformed a 50% water change and i've noticed a change of behavior they are chasing up the glass of the tank and not really eating much. not laying about on the bottom of the floor of the tank.
well as i said yesterday i was getting 4 more black cories which my dad would pick up. Well got home today and my dad turned up with them well them +1 so i've not got 9 (and i'm not complaining). Also when dad come back he brings the better camera and i was able to get some okay pictures.



Hi jarcher1390 :)

They are absolutely beautiful! :wub: Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. You have a nice group there now. Best of luck with them.

How big are they? They appear to be a good size, but it's often hard to tell in pictures. Do you think they are mature?
Hi jarcher1390 :)

They are absolutely beautiful! :wub: Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. You have a nice group there now. Best of luck with them.

How big are they? They appear to be a good size, but it's often hard to tell in pictures. Do you think they are mature?
around 3-4 cms i would of thought they were too small to be mature give them 2-3 months and i think they should be mature, Hopefully
Thanks Jonny
its been about 2 weeks now that i've had them so i thought ill update all going strong eating well all of survived as you would expect.
I've got sponge filters and a hydrometer for baby brine shrimp so ill be ready when they spawn, hopefully.
Inchworm what size did yours spawn at just out of curiosity what size of tank did u grow them up in.

Thanks Jonny
they are beautiful :wub:. Your really lucky! My lfs doesent stock them!
Really, jarcher! Those are great! I paid a fortune for mine. LOL That is some lfs you have. How are they doing? Keep the pics coming.

Mine have not spawned yet, but I have not tried, and they are still young. Mine were juvie fry last summer. I would not expect them to do much before a year old.

Is there a lady? Is she looking gravid?
I just noticed eggs in the blacks tank, jarcher. I cannot be sure that they are from the Blacks, but it looks now like I have at least 2 females out of the five. One of the females is starting to rock on her belly. She has quite a pouch. So I do not actually believe these are a year old yet, but later I will post when I got them. They were stil juvie fry. The eggs that I got were smallish and near the tank surface in clumps similar to C. aeneus in clumps. But I think they are smaller. I will post a thread if I get a for sure spawn and harvest. Although often the first spawns of young Corys aee not very viable.
Sorry jollysue Have not been on, in a while any new on the spawning?
Well on an up date for mine, firstly they have tripled in size since i have got them. i Have 3 females and 6 male a good 1:2 ratio.
I've decided that to move them into a tank all of there own. The tank is ready sponge filter matured for 3 months now a tank ready to move the adults when they spawn, Ive now got experience with cory breeding under my belt with successfully breeding the peppered cory and a brine shrimp hatchery ready to go within minutes.
On a more surprising note i moved a large clump of java moss from my 4 ft community tank and a week later the cory tank was laden with boesemani rainbow fish fry unfortunately i did not have any inforuria cultured but 1 has survived.
My biggest female is 2" long now and fairly round give it a couple more week with lots more food i hope she will be plump and ready to spawn as well as the other 2 females


Sorry about poor picture quality best i could do
As you have been told... beautiful fish!!!
This is one that almost everyone loves, but can't get their hands on. I am currently waiting for jollysue's blacks to give her some little ones. I am planning on getting as many as I can from her when they get started.
Her eggs turned out not to be blacks. They were really cute, but not black... So I am still waiting.
I am sure once yours get started you will have no trouble selling the little ones. It appears that to get these you either have to be rich or know someone. You got really lucky getting them like that and at that price.

Keep us up on how they are doing. :good:
thanks only a matter of time now
when you say rich what prices would you expect to pay for some just out of interest and what size
Thanks Jonny

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