When To The Fish Shop Today


Aug 2, 2005
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uk Cumbria
Ive been meaning to get rid of most of my fish anyways finally got time to take them into day, and now i have loads of tank space so i purchase some corydoras, Black corydoras, now im am wishing to breed them.
They also gave me a book to borrow worth £90 and gave me a guarantee that they will sell the baby black corydoras on my behalf.
One of the perks of working at your lfs.
Are black corydras fairly rare
Sorry if this is wrong section
Hi jarcher1390 :)

Yes, you've got some unusual and very popular fish there, and I'm sure your lfs would love to get their hands on any fry they produce. :shifty:

If you are lucky, they are C. schultzei. How much did you pay for them, if you don't mind my asking?

I'll move this thread over to the Corydoras forum for you and hope to read more about your lovely fish.


Best my crappy phone camera will do my dad got the better one but hes not back
Hi jarcher1390 :)

That converts to about $70 (US).

This is the C. concolor, which is more charcoal gray, but sometimes appears black:


This is C. schultzei, formerly known as C. aeneus (black).



Hope this helps. :)
yep i defiantly got the C. schultzei maybe not noticeable in my photos
is $70 us a good price
What do they primarily eat when they are smaller
Thanks jonny
Hi jarcher1390 :0

These fish are hard to find, and I've never seen them for sale in an lfs, at least not in the US. On AquaBid they seem to go for around $10 each for a very small size, maybe 1" or so. I paid $250 for a group of 5 proven breeders over two years ago and I've seen them go for more last year.

The only thing I would caution you about is to suggest that you look yours over carefully and make sure each one is sound and healthy. Take particular notice that their spines are straight. These fish have been selectively bred to develop the lovely black velvet appearance and there are some genetically defective ones around. You would not want to breed any more of these.

If possible, try to find out where your specific batch originated. The owner of your lfs should know something about this.

Congratulations on buying this excellent cory! How many did you get?
i only got 4 all the money i had on me at the time i'm at work tomorrow so i will ask where this specific batch originate from.
Would it be worth buying more.
What size are they likely to spawn at.
Interesting thread did you make much of a profit, how easy where they to get sold.
Mine are around 3cm and im not quite sure what to feed them they did not seem interest in the cat fish pellet for m other coryies.
Thanks again your a great help Jonny
Hi jarcher1390 :)

I didn't raise them to make a profit and so I was not disappointed. A lot of them were auctioned off at my fish society auctions, traded for other fish, or just given away. I gave a pair to my lfs (just to show them to him and see what they would do) and they were snapped up within an hour of my dropping them off for $25.

Then, in the fall, a bacterial infection went through my tanks and I lost most of the black youngsters that were left. These are the ones remaining as of two days ago:


I still have requests for them and hope to raise a batch again. I have no doubts that I could sell all I could raise. :D
i think im going to buy at least 4 more so ill have 8 which would be awsum
Damn bacterial infections lol
Unlike most black fish, they look very nice. I wish I could have some, never seen them though.

I bought some sterbai today 6 for 25 pound or $50.

$70 is an extremely good price I expect.
Hi jarcher1390 :)

Yes, getting a few more would be a good idea, just incase.... It's not like they are easy to come by.

I usually feed my corys live blackworms, frozen bloodworms, Hikari Sinking Wafers and some good quality flake food.


Hi Luketendo :)

I'm glad you got some new C. sterbai. They are beautiful corys! It would be nice if you would start a thread and show us some pictures of them too.
Hi jarcher1390 :)

Yes, getting a few more would be a good idea, just incase.... It's not like they are easy to come by.

I usually feed my corys live blackworms, frozen bloodworms, Hikari Sinking Wafers and some good quality flake food.


Hi Luketendo :)

I'm glad you got some new C. sterbai. They are beautiful corys! It would be nice if you would start a thread and show us some pictures of them too.

Fill once my mum gets her new camera and I set my new tank up.

I've almost got all the stuff so It'll be a couple of weeks.

I'm waiting for the Filter hoses and plants to come now.

Haven't ordered plants yet though since I don't want to keep them waiting.

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