When the sleeper wakes...

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
🏆 Click to vote! 🏆

In advance ~~~
Sorry for the extremely weird format.
(I'm not sure what happened but I couldn't unscramble my responses after trying the multi-quote within your format, so this is the best I could come up with outside deleting everything and starting over. Which may have been a better choice but what is done is done. Feel free to chuck out the lot of it if it disagrees with you).

Tank 1 Update
Cockatoo Apisto. emerged with small school of fry.
So far, not too problematic for the rest of the tank.
I think I'll add some more vegetation
😀 Would love to see some pictures soon. Do you expect they will grow up in that tank? Ireally like the purple and yellow variety and have wondered about getting some.
Tank 2
All fine and dandy, with a definite bubble nest being made by Tyrion. I haven't observed rumpy-pumpy with his ladies of late, although said ladies do practice with each other. That said, all seem to continue to get along nicely.
Will you let them grow out in the tank? I forget what your plans were since the breeding experiment...I expect a fry will show up when you aren't looking!

Tank 3 Update
I used my patent Kuhli trap and managed to transfer half a dozen baby Kuhli loach to this tank, along with some Celestial Pearl Danio.
How many CPD do you have?

Time for Baby Pictures of your cool Kuhli loaches...
and what is a "patent" trap?
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We do have an IGNORE feature if you don't want to see posts from a member who annoys you. Itiwhetu's above post is very true.
Believe me, I'm not interested in getting all up in this.
..But you decided to comment anyway.
Personally, I've learned to simply use the Ignore function on those who dabble in pseudo-psychiatry and what they believe to be reasoned argument, which usually turns out to be basic hypocritical musings.
Well done with breeding Kuhli loaches, what is the trick to get them to spawn
No trick...simply a well-managed ecosystem, with lots of live plants, no chemicals, (other that water conditioner) and a suitable number of happy kuhli loach. (My shoal consisted of 11 individuals).
I did notice that whilst they're happy together, when they come to feed, they seem to have paired up...so there's a suggestion there that an equal number of males and females may have helped. That said, I suspect actually sexing them may be an issue. ;) Fortunately, it's not an issue they'll have, so there's an element of good luck in there for me.
They also seemed to appreciate the roots of the Salvinia floating plants.

NOTE that I'm tired of this Forum and the propensity of too many members to jump on what they perceive to be offensive and then to follow that 'offence' with more passion than they appear to do with actual effective fish keeping.
Some opinions aren't tolerated, whilst others, presented as facts, are. I have a happy and content Real Life and have no need to play 'Favourites'.
There is also too much low quality advice given and too much tolerance of those who repeatedly abuse fish.

I thought I could continue my Journal for my own ends, but even this gets contaminated.

Tyrion is now currently guarding his nest, having placed eggs from the larger of his three ladies in there from a quite long and passionate encounter yesterday.
The chances of any of those eggs hatching, or fry surviving, is quite remote, given the nature of the tank, but who knows..?

Anyone who wants to catch up, will know how to do so.
..But you decided to comment anyway.
Personally, I've learned to simply use the Ignore function on those who dabble in pseudo-psychiatry and what they believe to be reasoned argument, which usually turns out to be basic hypocritical musings.

I do tend to muse along.
I meant no harm I'm really only wanted to make light of the situation. It's a unfortunate that this format can't relay the subtleties of human communication or make visible those same subtleties.

I love your journal and your tanks and hope I can continue to follow along.
Just to confirm...there will be no further updates from me in this Forum.
There is too much false and dangerous (to fish, snails and shrimp) information touted by those perceived to be fishkeeping gurus.
Ah man. I just joined this forum, largely to ask you specifically about your longer term view of the Aquamanta Nano 35. Just finished reading to the end of this thread! 🤣
Ah man. I just joined this forum, largely to ask you specifically about your longer term view of the Aquamanta Nano 35. Just finished reading to the end of this thread! 🤣

Sorry, this forum user isn't around anymore. But his thoughts on that tank are here already anyway! He did leave a detailed review.

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