When Push Comes To Shove...

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2011
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North Israel...looking into Hezbolala Land
Too this wee video this morning from my phone. Since introducing a pair of Neolamprologus Boulengeri to the tank a month or so ago, they've made one side of the tank their home but for some weird reason the male will wander over to the other side and "hover" around the Brevis pair's corner. Now, male Brevis doesn't enjoy this one bit and he keeps the female inside her shell while he and Boulengeri go head to head with their regular dance. Nothing violent ever comes from it and it's more display than anything else but it's fascinating to watch.

haha thats great! my two brevis males do this, they go all stripey and flare at each other. really cool to watch. Your brevis have very similar colouring to mine, do you know what variety they're meant to be?

Although one of my males also does the displaying thing to my hand when I'm cleaning out the tank near his shell, they have quite sharp little teeth . . . :rolleyes: The other one occasionally does the same thing to the java fern thats next to his little house, then spazzes out trying the wrestle the leaves. It's like he uses it as a punch bag.

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