When our fishies die

How do you dispose of them?

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Fish Crazy
Jan 24, 2005
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I just lost my last of three little sweet albino cories, Huey, Dewey and Louie. :sad: I think I had a bad batch--they were very tiny and never grew. Anyway, the last one, Louie seemed to revive when I brought home two new (large) albino cories--he'd swim around with them and seemed to be getting better. However, the last 2 days, he was laying on the gravel most of the time, so many times I wanted to end his misery--I don't think he'd been getting food for quite sometime (no barbels or whiskers). I can't bear to part with him--I was thinking of putting him in the dirt in one of my large plants. I was wondering what you all do when you lose your special fishies?
If I need to euthanase the fish I "squash" it with my fist between pieces of paper towel :( Then I freeze the fish and have a mass cremation when I get enough (which doesn't happen that often fortunately).....of course the cremation hppens sooner if th BF makes comments about dead fish in the freezer :p
any thing that dies, touch wood none yet, will go in with the caiman, have to say a good few eels and sea bass have gone in with her :whistle:
When i had koi i would bury them in the garden but they were big fish, with the tropicals i wrap them in kitchen roll and put them in the bin.

I flush most of them, and bury the ones I was a bit closer with.
all always go in the fish cemetary..............ie: small patch of garden to the left of our front door. we live in a flat with a communal entry so i dont think the other 4 occupiers here realise they walk past a fish cemetary every day, but as im the one who tends & plants the flowers & garden there i dont care......i just cant do the bin/flush thing.....even though i personally do not want to be buried....i like all my deceased fish to be parked near their ex tankmates........maybe sad but i dont care :D
I wrap them in newspaper and put them in the trash bin.

For decorum, I use the Obituaries :p
Most go in a box i the bin, I lost a big goldfish a while back that Id had for years so she was buired in the garden :-(
I usually put mine down the drain outside. I didnt think of it poluting the water stream so i think i will opt for another way.
Mellowserra, is it good for your plants to burry them in the pots? i have herd that watering them wth fish water is good. The plants love it aparently. (not that iv asked mine). :*)
dawney g
Mine get wrapped up and binned. The two giant Armoured shrimp that did the great escape on their first night and croaked almost got put on the barbecue and doused in garlic butter, but they were a bit fluffy and covered in cat hair, so I resisted. My tropicals are too small to remind me of food, but every time i look at the big koi in the lfs I always think butter and flaked almonds even tho they're still swimming around :*) :*) :*) .

(I know, my bad. I feel v. guilty :*) )
I always bury my fish, throwing them away or flushing them seems a little dishonoring to their memory. I'm always very upset whenever I lose a fish, and putting them to rest rather than disposing of them helps sort of put a closure to it in my mind, I know they're not rotting away in the septic tank or in a landfill. :)
mellowserra said:
Any fish I've lost were buried in my potted houseplants.
good idea as in my fish cemetary/garden all the plants look fantastic ....very healthy & hundreds of flowers. on the other side of the garden it just never looks as good . all the flowers on the fish cemetary side always remind me of my lost fishy friends & when i see the flowers there it makes me smile :D

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