When is it acceptable to euthanize?

Elisabeth83 said:
Hopefully in 20 years time I will have all of the knowledge and wisdom about fish :p Although by then a million things will of changed and I will have to learn everything all over :rolleyes:

Don't FEEL So Bad, I've been in the Fish keeping Hobby for 37 years now, And there is always Something New and Sometimes Better and or Worse, Ideas or Equipment, Coming around the Corner.
I've said it a "MILLION TIMES" In fish keeping there is "NEVER" a dull moment, Always Something New To Learn as Well as Deal With.
I THANK GOD you sound like a Caring/Loving Person Who takes the Well Being of her Charges Seriously.
I'll keep you As WELL as your Fish in "My Prayers".

As far as the SALT that was the Dosage for Medication Purposes, Like you I keep Salt in My Tanks at all times, But at a Lower Dosage, Right at a 1/4 to 1/2 of that.
I am Sorry that I didn't Clairify that you should Drop back the Dosage of Salt after your Coarse of Treatment, Or you can take it out altogether through your Regular Water Changes but do this Slowly don't Remove all the Salt at once.

Good Luck and May God Bless... :cool:
daddyfish said:
Elisabeth83 said:
Hopefully in 20 years time I will have all of the knowledge and wisdom about fish :p Although by then a million things will of changed and I will have to learn everything all over :rolleyes:

Don't FEEL So Bad, I've been in the Fish keeping Hobby for 37 years now, And there is always Something New and Sometimes Better and or Worse, Ideas or Equipment, Coming around the Corner.
I've said it a "MILLION TIMES" In fish keeping there is "NEVER" a dull moment, Always Something New To Learn as Well as Deal With.
I THANK GOD you sound like a Caring/Loving Person Who takes the Well Being of her Charges Seriously.
I'll keep you As WELL as your Fish in "My Prayers".

As far as the SALT that was the Dosage for Medication Purposes, Like you I keep Salt in My Tanks at all times, But at a Lower Dosage, Right at a 1/4 to 1/2 of that.
I am Sorry that I didn't Clairify that you should Drop back the Dosage of Salt after your Coarse of Treatment, Or you can take it out altogether through your Regular Water Changes but do this Slowly don't Remove all the Salt at once.

Good Luck and May God Bless... :cool:

I really appreciate your kind words and helpful advice!! :*) There are so many people here in the Betta section that really care. Without everyones support, help and words of wisdom I think I would of given up weeks ago on my girls :( You truely do need a support system if you keep fish :p

I've only seen the ich (about 4-5 white spots) on one of the bettas which I think is kind of werid. :unsure: Today the spots seem to of fallen off. I have to do a second treatment tonight. I wonder if I only have to do 2 treatments considering the spots were only on one fish and if it was just the one fish and the spots have now fallen off wouldnt the medication I am adding today take care of the ones that have fallen off? This second dose lasts for 2 days. Maybe I should do a 3rd dose just to be sure...I know they say to treat for up to 15 days but this doesn't seem to be your typical ich case. I don't know it's odd. Everything seems to be odd with these female bettas :rolleyes: ANYWAYS......
aww, this whole thread has brought tears to my eyes. its sooo nice to see so many people who love thier fish like they should. :wub: I am really sorry your fish are sick - good luck with the treatments. Ill be praying that they work for you.
Elisabeth83 said:
I've only seen the ich (about 4-5 white spots) on one of the bettas which I think is kind of werid. :unsure: Today the spots seem to of fallen off. I have to do a second treatment tonight. I wonder if I only have to do 2 treatments considering the spots were only on one fish and if it was just the one fish and the spots have now fallen off wouldnt the medication I am adding today take care of the ones that have fallen off? This second dose lasts for 2 days. Maybe I should do a 3rd dose just to be sure...I know they say to treat for up to 15 days but this doesn't seem to be your typical ich case. I don't know it's odd. Everything seems to be odd with these female bettas :rolleyes: ANYWAYS......

With your Ich Spots having "FALLEN OFF" this is When they are Killed because We are catching them in the Cycle of their Life where they Multiply before ATTACKING new Fish or the Same Ones.
The Life Cycle is on Average 3-5 Days. If they STAY GONE, I would Treat at least One More time Just to be SURE..
It Most Likley Wouldn't Hurt to hit them a Fourth Time. "Just To EXTRA Sure" Since you've Had so Much Problems.

I "PRAISE GOD" that it Sounds like they are Turning Around the Good Corner For Once.
I will continue to PRAY that "THEY as well as YOU" Continue in that Direction.

Please "KEEP" Us Posted as to Your's and Their PROGRESS.

May GOD Richly BLESS YOU and your Fish... :kana: :nod: :flex:
GirlinWayside said:
aww, this whole thread has brought tears to my eyes. its sooo nice to see so many people who love thier fish like they should. :wub: I am really sorry your fish are sick - good luck with the treatments. Ill be praying that they work for you.

On the Signiture Part of Your Post "Girl" You Put Cichlids Have More Personality, Then Most People You KNOW... Amen Girl Amen...

Oh Yah THEIR A LOT "SMARTER" To Sad To Say.... :rofl:
Elisabeth, I just read a discription of mouth and body fungus: "Grayish white stringy material covering most of thebody and mouth; white or gray patches." Could the "worms" be this "fungus?"
Elisabeth83 said:
I've only seen the ich (about 4-5 white spots) on one of the bettas which I think is kind of werid.

This is because ICK will not attack your whole tank. ICk is in teh water at all times..it can only attack a fish that has a lowered immune system. Some fish are more adept at attracting it then others.

Ick/Ich is always present in your tank, in your fish. Stress is the main cause of Ick/Ich. Your fish can get stressed as a result of many things. I have found that Ick/Ich seems to show up most often when I add new fish to the tank. Almost every time I bring a fish home from the store and add them to a tank within a few days not only does the new fish develop Ick/Ich, but several of the other fish as well. Very frustrating.
http://www.nunnie.com/ick.html (FYI site has music that plays..not too bad either lol)
I've been treating for the ich for 5 days now. I switched from JBL ektol fluid to JBL punktol but since I switched their fins have become shredded and are disappearing again.

I'm wondering if I should go back to the Ektol FLuid? It says it treats some parasite diseases. The ich doesn't seem bad at all I can only see a spot each on 2 fish. They were doing a lot better on the Ektol fluid :dunno:

I'm thinking of switching back tomorrow -_-
Almost every med says to complete the treatment begun. If you stop in mid treatment you run the risk if developing med resistant desease, I believe. The parasites, etc., have a chance to get a stronger more resistant foothold.

If the ich is almost gone, it might be best to finish the ich treatment until it is resolved.

Ich should often be retreated in a # of days when the parasite could reappear.

I' don't really know for sure about it all, but I would take care with switching back and forth and not completeing each treatment. Check with JBL to see if you can do both treatments at once.

Again that's why I like Mardel. I don't have to remove my filters, recycle, and the meds work together. I have had no ill effects from using Coppersafe in conjuction with their antibiotics. And it only requires dosing once a month.
Hi Sue, Yeah your probably right I should at least finish the treatment of the Punktol. I guess I am just getting paniced again because the fin rot seems to be coming back and it's coming back quickly :/

I guess I'll have to hold off on switching meds for atleast another 2 days. I've been adding salt to the tank and feeding them foods soaked in garlic hoping while I was treating for the ich that the salt and garlic would keep the fin rot away and help it heal. I guess not :grr:

Ya know what? I emailed JBL with the email address they had on their website asking about mixing the punktol and the ektol fluid but the email came back saying something was wrong with their email address. How lame is that? To be a company and not have your email working :rolleyes: I can't call them on the phone as they are located in Germany and it would cost me an arm and a leg.

I wish I could get Mardel products here ...they sound great!!

These girls though...gosh they are fighters (no pun intended :lol: ) I can't believe they have gotten through all of this. You'd think with the worms, fin rot and the ich they would of died ages ago but they still act normal and eat like little piggies.

There's no other disease that shows up like ich is there? The 2 spots I can see look like little white pimples but theres only a spot on each of them and at most there were like 2-3 spots on one of them. The reason I ask is because all the pictures I've seen of ich and having dealt with it once before a long while ago the fish were covered in white spots like 15-20 spots on each of them. I guess they have to be ich as they have fallen off like ich does :unsure:
Hmm..you know not really any kind of authority. It does start out with just a few speckles often.

I just think about fungus and some of the forms it comes in.

You take good pics: why not send some pics to Wilder and The Wolf in emergency and get their reaction.

I just found that indeed the culumnaris did spread from my quarantined neons in the Miniature Tank and has showed up on the neons in my 100 usg. Ugh!

Fortunately I purchased enough meds on line, just in case.

The caveat is that I used media from the 100 usg in ALL the new betta tanks. Sigh...

Now I have to medicate all the tanks and the medication is in tablets for 10 gal doses. :lol:

The anabantoids (bettas) are probably not going to get it. It is a primarily neon desease, but I don't want to play more musical chairs with this stuff.

Poor mini tank. I probably need to medicate it again. -_-

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