When is an Oto not an Oto?

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Danny Boy

Fish Fanatic
Jul 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tamworth, UK
I feel silly.

I was sold what I thought was a single Oto, but looking through the pics on this site I realise he's not.

I returned to the LFS today to get some more fish, and turns out he's a peppered corydoras catfish.

Signature change needed!

i didnt think a cory looked like an otto!
are you getting any more?coz cories need to be in groups of 4+
Corys are schooling fish and need to be in groups of at least 3. They also don't eat algae so if you want an algae eater, you will need to try to find the oto which also are schooling fish and need to be in groups of at least 3.
I've just added a second. I need to do some capacity calculations I think...

I've just added 4 neons as well.

ok if i was you i would take back the neons
they need otbe in larger groups but you dont have the space
and the cory needs to be in a group of four plus so you need to rethink abit!
With schooling fish like corys, you need schools of the same species. Adding a different type like the bronze really doesn't help with the schooling. Also, with the 3 guppys, 4 neons and the 2 corys, you are pushing being overstocked. I'm sure they are small so you should be fine for now.
Awww shucks. :*)

And I thought I was doing ok.

Who was it that told me 4 neons would be ok? Eh? Eh??

I'm already planning a much larger tank, as the fish are so small could I add more neons and another cory at this stage to be moved to a larger tank in the coming months?

I don't wanna take anything back really.

rdd1952 said:
With schooling fish like corys, you need schools of the same species. Adding a different type like the bronze really doesn't help with the schooling.

I'm sorry I have to disaggree with that statement.
IMPE all cories will group together.
I currently have C.adolfoi, C.aneus, C.meleni and even Brochis splendens.
They all school and forage together.
I think the shoaling also depends on the corydoras itself Wolf.
I've got C. aeneus (albino) with C. paleatus, which definatly refuse to shoal together. I think it's most likely because the albino aeneus are always swimming mid levels, where as the paleatus stay on the bottom.

My peru greens however (C. aeneus colour varient) shoal with the paleatus and refuse to shoal with the albinos. Odd really, both being for aeneus you'd think they'd shoal together, but they dont.
That's what I love about his hobby, so much of it is personal opinion.


I am however now worried about the current contents of my tank...
I have an albino corydoras and a brochis britski (like a corydoras but larger) in my 55 gallon. The albino was bought at the same time I bought an emerald which passed away over a year ago. This little cory has grown to almost the size of the britski and they play happily together. I have never had more than 2 corydoras at the same time. This particular one is over 2 yrs old! A shoal is recommended but IMO is not always necessary.

Fishkeeping is not a complete science. What works for one doesn't always work for others! Each fish is different in personality and likes/dislikes. He may be ok with what he has in his tank now. It is a game of watch and see.
The-Wolf said:
rdd1952 said:
With schooling fish like corys, you need schools of the same species. Adding a different type like the bronze really doesn't help with the schooling.

I'm sorry I have to disaggree with that statement.
IMPE all cories will group together.
I currently have C.adolfoi, C.aneus, C.meleni and even Brochis splendens.
They all school and forage together.

You are correct that different species will school together sometimes but there aren't any guarantees. I think they probably will in more cases than not. I am facing the probability that I will probably have to mix species now as I have lost some of my spotted corys and the place where I bought them is going out of business and probably won't have any more. They are the only LFS I have found in the area that ever carried them. I will probably find out soon if they will school with another species.

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