When In Hospital Tank, Do You Feed Your Betta?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2007
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Okay so now that I am treating Violet with Parasite Clear and some Melafix, and since the girl doesn't really eat in my presence or just basically doesn't eat at all, would it be appropriate to feed her in the hospital tank?

I don't think she would eat any way.
I think most people do, just make sure to suck out any uneaten food so that it doesn't rot in the tank.
I have never had to use the medications you are using, I know when one of my fish isn't acting right I fed them either a pea if they look constipated or feed them frozen food. If it is parasites I would think the higher the protein in their diet the better since your fish is actually their host. Is it internal or external parasites you are treating for?
Okay so now that I am treating Violet with Parasite Clear and some Melafix, and since the girl doesn't really eat in my presence or just basically doesn't eat at all, would it be appropriate to feed her in the hospital tank?

I don't think she would eat any way.
i am treating her for i guess an internal bacteria or parasite infection.

major signs was her stringy white pooh that was stuck to her like a chain of pearls. stringy. with stringy in between little pod/knot-esque things.

she doesn't eat.

she has not changed in size since i got her.

she has gotten much slower in swimming around.

not sure what to make of things for her.
The parasite clear should work. The stringy poop is probably internal parasites. I would still try to tempt her with frozen food, I hope she gets better fast.

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