When do you feed your fish?


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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I usally feed my fish at 10-10:30 pm, then sometimes at 7am. I usally only feed them at night, but if They look desperate, of they're looking a little out of it, I'll feed em'. Other wise only once.
When do you feed your fish?
Do you ever feed em' in the morning?
Hmmm, usually every other or every two days, depends on how busy I am. Usually in the morning, sometimes if I forgot to feed in the morning, I'll feed at night. Otherwise, I sorta diet my fish most of the time. :)
I feed morning and night. Like eudielynn, I have bettas...and they're all pigs!
At most once a day, usually at night. I try to feed every other day but my fish just spaz out when they see me and it's hard to resist their begging.
I feed my adult fish twice a day- once at about 3pm and once at 10pm- my smallest plec gets a large algae wafer in the morning because he's not nocturnal, the 5inch one gets one large wafer once every 2days at 12pm(he doesn't get many, if i feed him more he just leaves them), and my 7inch plec gets 2algae wafers a night with a 2hr break inbetween- usually at 12pm.
The bottom feeders(corys, khuli loachs, 8 total) in the main tank get 15 catfish pelets a day(the little plec has started munching on them), the 4 corys in the second biggest tank get 4 catfish pelets a day and the lil panda cory in the fry tank gets 2 a day.
On top of all this i somtimes swap the flake meals for somthing like freexdried daphinia/tubifex/bloodworms/krill once every couple of days. Somtimes once a week i also exchange my plec algae wafer meals for a nice chunk of de-skinned blanched cucumber.
My fry thought get fed 3 to 4 times a day which realy varys but always with at least a 3hr break in between meals- i feed them TetraMinfry and Liquifry no.1 for egglayers along with crushed freezedried daphinia/bloodworms. They also get a cooked de-shelled pea once a fortnight to avoid constipation :) .
All my fish are very healthy after this diet and the fry grow well and fast :thumbs:

Oh, and i forgot to add once a fortnight the adult fish only get one meal on the weekend days each day.
I usually feed mine 2-3 SMALL meals a day (depends on the fish though). Morning, night and sometimes lunchtime. I also fast some fish depending on species once a week for a day or so. I usually feed a different food each meal so they might get flakes in the morning and night with bloodworms, microworms, peas, etc at lunch. I also put blackworms in the tanks once a fortnight for my eels and catfish to forage for, the other fish also eat these when they are added until the worms burrow into the sand.

Generally though, fish with shorter digestive tracts, such as guppies and fry, and fish not normally known for going long periods of time without a meal in the wild will be fed smaller portions more frequently and not be fasted. Fish who are known to go quite substantial times without eating in the wild, or whose digestive tracts are alot more adept at absorbing nutrients will be fed less frequently and sometimes fasted. It really is species dependant though and I like to keep their food intake as close to their wild counterparts as I can, within time constraints, etc.
I feed my fish at 9:00am fish flakes and shrimp pellets.

I also feed at 10:00pm algae wafers or cucumber for my nocturnal fish.
I feed my fry all day long,several times. Juvies eat twice a day, once in the early afternoon and then again later that night when everyone eats, usually around 1 am. The big tanks get fed extremely late. Usually around 3 am or so,a couple of hours before I go to bed.
The diurnal fish are fed at around 8 in the evening and the nocturnal fish get their dinner at around 5 in the morning, just before I switch off the lights and go to bed.

Everyone also gets snacks whenever I'm around.

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