I just started keeping bettas a couple of months ago, so I guess you could say my bettaitis has progressed rather quickly.
First came Bob and Dopey. I had a 5g and a 10g community. Dopey was in the 10g community for all of one day. I then went out and got another 10g and divided it because I had decided to bring home Goldie.
A few days later I was at the same store I got Dopey and Bob from when I met Black Beauty. I got him for 1/2 off for being a member, so my first CT came home with me.
Next came Leroy, he looked so sad in a 10g all by himself and a couple of bottom feeders. A face only a mother could love. I had a feeling no one would buy him, so he came home with me along with a 1g bowl. that is where I stayed for a while. 5 was enough I said.
Then I went to the store and there he was. Bumblebee, my tailess yellow/brown boy. What is one more I thought? I can stop anytime I want, its no big deal. I have to have him, he has to come home with me, we are in love. Needless to say, against hubbys wishes, he came home with me too. There I said, I am done now. I don't need anymore bettas.
Then one day I thought, hey girls would be fun. And Petcetera is having a sale! Buy one get TWO free! Oh my, I must have some girls. That weekend I came home with 10 females.
I was good for about a month or so. Then I went to the lfs to trade in some fish for my babysitter. $18 credit they gave me. Wow, all that for some 50 cent goldfish, what can I buy

??? What do you know, they have bettas here, hmmmmmm. Let me at least look. I looked in the back and saw my googly eyed Guy. I hemmed and hawed for a long time. I kept going back to him and then thinking, no, DH will kill me. But, but, but...I have to have him too. Later that day I took a friend fish shopping. When I am going to learn that I can't be within 50 feet of a fish store, I don't know. I went to one store and asked if they had females. They had 10. What was I to do, I couldn't choose. Well they are only $1.99...I'll take them all! We went to another fish store and I spotted Don. He was so beautiful, orange body, white fins. But no, I couldn't possibly. Again, I kept going back to him and hemming and hawing. In the end he came home with me too.
About a week later I take my friend fish shopping again. I didn't even take my wallet inside. I found 2 very sick bettas, and asked the manager if I could please take them and nurse them back to health. They said no, I bought them anyway. One died within 2 days of me having him. The other is Kasanth.
That same day I took my friend to Petcetera, there I found Samurai. He was in pitiful shape, brown water, covered in ich, ripped fins, like he had been in a fight. I talked the manager into giving him to me for free. I took him home, made him comfortable and medicated him. The ich cleared up in days. Then three days later I came into my office to find him nose down in the water. I am still not sure what killed him.
Last week I took my daughter to the lfs. The first fish that died was technically "her" fish(as is Goldie). I gave the fish to her because she had been very ill with an abscessed tooth. She was so well behaved in that time I rewarded her. She ended up getting the tooth pulled. That night the tooth fairy left her $5. The next day I asked her what she wanted to spend her money on. The other fish had just died, she looked at me and said, I want to get another fish, because mine had to go to fishy heaven. (she is 3). So here we are at walmart looking at fish. I spot one I think I want. I take it to the counter and to make an annoying story short, there was no upc code on the cup, so the lady wouldn't ring it in. I returned him and off we went to another store.
We get to the $1.99 betta store(males and females). My friend lifts up their price sign and who is behind it? Sam, my latest and LAST beauty. He is orange with blue fins. His anal fin and caudal fin have red right along the base. I am very much in love. Oh yes, and my daughter got Prince. She picked him out. I hesitate to say what colour he is as I am sure he is marble, and will change colour.
Whew that was a long story.
I am a bettaholic and proud of it!
At the end of the day I have 16 females (3 died from columnaris and 1 recently from unknown causes) and 12 males(lost Samurai and my nameless boy).