When Are Your Fish Most Active?


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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The past few days I will go in and check my fish before the light comes on. Every time I see my red eye tetras going wild. They chase eachother swim really fast around with eathother. Then when the lights are on they are normal. So early AM is hyper time for my tetras.

Are your fish more active as Different times of the day?
How old are they? Perhaps they are spawning? I am not sure what time red-eyed tetras spawn at, but I know that's how they would do it. (Chasing each other like mad.)

My fish are active all the time, except for at night, when they sleep.
Yeah I thought mayby they were trying to spawn I would see the smaller ones going after the bigger ones that I'm pretty sure are female. It might be mating behavior. They were being very wild.

Because my cichlids just act the same swim around doing there thing all day long.
Yes, they are most likely spawning. The males (which, yes, are smaller.) will chase the females and nip at their rear ends in an effort to get them to release their eggs. Once they are released, the males will then fertilize them as they fall. They will also eat any eggs they can get at.
My neon tetras once had did this behavior. so my neon tetra was spawning?!

My Zebra pleco is more active at night even the Upside down catfishes.... this make's my catfishes nuctornal. and my tetras are active in the mid-day.
I don't know if they are spawning but the males are trying. You neons might have been trying to spawn.

Well I guess my fish are happy if they are spawning.

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