When are fry big enough?


New Member
Mar 16, 2005
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I know this has been asked before but I can't seem to find it.

I have 7 guppy fry in a 2.5 gallon tank, they are almost 4 weeks old. When can I put them in the tank with adult guppies?

I have a pregnant female right now should drop in about a week, can I put new fry in a tank with 5 or 6 week old fry?
When they no longer fit in the mouth of the largest fish in the tank...THEN you can put them in with the adults. There is no set age on this. Guppies grow at different rates depending on nutrition, temperature, genetics, and the cleanliness of their water.

I wouldn't recommend putting the new drop in with the older batch, unless you were sure they wouldn't fit conveniently in the mouths of the older batch. Otherwise they WILL get eaten. Divide the tank, if you can. Or use a different tank. If you find later that the older fry can't fit the younger fry in their mouths, then you can put them together. But I wouldn't recommend it until you know for sure.
I would wait 2 or 3 months before putting the fry in with the adults. In my experience, even if the fry cant fit into the bigger fishes mouth, they may still be chased. I've always put my smaller fry in with the bigger fry... but only if there is less than a months difference in age.
Yeah like they said it depends on what you feed them and how much room they have to swim and grow in..It will take a while.. it's gonna take alteast 1 month but but still there is no time limmit cause ya don't know..1 month thing was a guess if you wanted any type estiment..if that makes any sense...

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