When A Landlords Contract Says...

i moved over the weekend, and my contract actually said "no dogs, cats, rodents, FISH, reptiles".
i was like...****!!!

i confronted the agent and he just said go for it! i haven't met my landlord yet, but apparently he's easy going anyway! (and it's not like the flat i've moved into is exactly...pristine either!!)

but i was talking to one of the guys who works in my LFS, he owns 2 flats, and ironically said he'd have a fit if he found a fish tank in either of his flats.

just confront them and ask.
Most landlords I have dealt with use some kind of standard contract that they didn't even write. It has all kinds of stuff in it that the landlord may or may not really care about, but it's all there to cover his butt. I think asking him is the best way to go, and it is most likely that they will allow it. Just don't mention how big it is unless he asks, haha.
A trick someone told me was to ask if the floors can support a waterbed. They will probably tell you which walls are the supporting walls so that you place the 'bed' in the right place.

Once you are moved in, they can't kick you out for having pets, and they can't make you get rid of them. The no pt rule generally applies to cats and dogs that would make noise to disturb neighbours, or cause damage to the apartment.
Most landlords don't allow any pets anymore, not even a fish tank or a hamster. If they do allow them they usually add on a fee or say that you don't get your deposit back. Some places I have seen in my area charge $1000 just to have a dog! And I find it funny because a lot of these places are the same places that eventually get shut down by the government for not being fit to live in. Faulty wiring, bad plumbing sometimes the heating is broken but you can't have any pets "oh no! That will bring down the property value!" LOL I think most that don't allow pets are just doing it to be jerks!
I am in rented accommodation. I asked my landlord and he said it only applies to animals that make mess such as cats, dogs and rodents.

He also said if he was paying the water rates and electric as part of the price he would not allow this as it is unauthorised use. :S

p.s i think he was a little concerned about the stability of the tank and what might happen if there was water damage to the property. Just hope this never happens
Well, thankfully my landlord is ok with it!!!

He aso said that cats and dogs would be ok too, as long as u ask the negihbours! he even said bunnies too!!
This is one to def talk to the landlord about. In my old building we had the no pet clause as well, but everyone had dogs and cats. My landlord was just concerned that the tank wasn't too large as it was an old wooden building and I was on the top floor. Wouldn't have been a good think if my tank ended up three floors down lol.

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