I cannot raise you, nor do I want to in truth. However, I have discovered as I age my former superior health has deteriorated in a steady progression. I have a mild form of Prostate Cancer, stage Gleason 6. My Doc has me on Finasteride which has lowered my PSA significantly from plus 4 to 1.1 last test. He likened it to removing swimming sharks and replacing them with minnows and told me the condition is unlikely to kill me before I die of other causes. Also a bladder issue that was "cured" by scraping. Might need the body work again.
I have no issue with these issues. I am a pragmatist about major health problems. My complaint with aging is the withering of stamina and strength. My previous two major projects, the pond system and the pond shack really highlighted these two areas. Work that should take a day now takes three and another one to recover. My previous normal day of 12 hours. (between occupation and homestead chores), is now less than six, sometimes much less.
I can lay no claim to a healthy lifestyle in my past. Physical sports that destroyed my knees, weakened my shoulders, and generally stressed any joint requiring movement. Lots of red meat, few vegies, (I always claimed if God wanted me to eat greens, I would have been born a cow), and lots of parties.
Despite the maladies I still get done what needs to be done. I am currently three years older than any male lifespan on my father's side of the family. As I said I am pragmatic about my elder life and accept that with each passing year I will get weaker in body. So long as my mind remains strong, I will be happy.