New Member
Hi, what loach are best for eating snails my Clowns (albeit still small) won't even eat the tiny baby snails i seem to have everywhere?
IME all Botiinae species of loach will eat snails.
just because you haven't witnessed your clowns doing it doesn't mean they aren't.
flubenol 15 will kill any and all invertibrates, apple snails, crayfish, shrimp etc.
I stand corrected.
that's good to know mike, thanks.
Guys, I've found 2 snail removing liquids in my lfs, but how long will it take before I can put my wanted snails back in?
If anyone on here knows that would be great, in case the lfs gives me the wrong info!!
Zebra loaches also clean up any snail problem (after they learn that snails are yummy, can take some time)My yo yo loaches seem to go absolutely crazy for the ramshorn snails. I had to squash a couple for them to get a taste for it but now they seem to have got the hang of it. Seeing loads of empty shells everywhere.