Whattype Of Pleco For 2ft Tank


Fish Herder
Nov 27, 2006
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Hi all i am cycling a 2ft tank atm and was wondering if there is any size pleco that would be good in there.At a lfs they had these black and gold striped ones in there.They were under clown plecos.Are these suitable?thanks!
Check out the pinned topic on this page for plecos under 8". That will give you a whole slew of ideas for plecs you can get for your tank!

EDIT - A clown pleco will stay small
Bristlenose. They only grow to 4- 5 iches and are a algae eating machine.

My BN Seth is just gorgeous.
Get a leopard pleco, i am eventually! :D they only get around 4-5 inches :good:
wait, the only 2ft tank that i can think of is my 10g--which is a bit small for a plec, given how messy they are.

maybe 2-3 otos instead?
NO sorry,all i know is they are leopard frog plecos or L134's :)

Aaah it was when you said "leopard plec" that threw me. The only fish I know sold as that are gibbies, and they can get to 2ft lol - but I wasn't pointing that out - I was asking because a couple of months back my LFS were selling a spotty plec as a leopard plec, and it wasn't a gibby - and thought you might have known what it was. Closest we got to an id was a sultan.

My 15g is 2ft, and while I'd use it for a quarantine - and technically you could fit a very small plec in it, I wouldn't. Maybe a few cories would be a better idea? They were recommended to me for it when I asked about stocking.
HODDY - you could be talking about ottos, do a search on them. They are great algae eaters - if you run out of algae you need to supplement with algae wafers. Depening on your stocking, you could have 2-4 (ish) in your tank! They stay fairly small coming in at about 1.5 inches. These ottos are VERY sensitive so it would be wise until your tank has been up and running for awhile before putting them in. I do like the pitbull plec to witch stays small - as people have stated.
is there anyhting else aprt from oto's,cories and plecos?I am thinking of some oto's but no idea how many i should get or what they eat.

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