Whats Your Salt And Buffer Of Choice?


Jan 8, 2006
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Hertfordshire, UK
Just wondered what everyone's salt of choice was, and indeed buffer if you use it?

Or are they all pretty much of a muchness?

Thank you ;)
Pretty the same i think, i use TMC Salt as its the only stuff i can get or Seachem. But dont use Red sea my freind who did marine biology found that red sea salt was the only one that seaweed died in strangely.

As for buffer i do use Red sea cos its the only one i could get and its fairly priced but its safer then the salt.
Pretty the same i think, i use TMC Salt as its the only stuff i can get or Seachem. But dont use Red sea my freind who did marine biology found that red sea salt was the only one that seaweed died in strangely.

i best be changing salt in the future
I use plain old Instant Ocean. I add a home made addative of calcium (prestone driveway heat), carbonate (baking soda), and magnesium (mag flake) and only dose when one or the other reading gets low.

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