What's your preference?


Jan 11, 2005
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Ok, I'm sitting here with a fully cycled 55 gallon - with no fish. I know what I want to put in there and I even know the order of how I'll be populating the tank.

Now I am hung up on the size of the fish. I'm starting with congo tetras. The lfs has only had small congos in the past -- but today, oh yes, they have bigger, very beautiful congos.

The little guys (approx. 1.5 inches long) go for 3 for $13.99 or $4.99 each. The fish are also buy one get one free on Wednesdays (tomorrow!!) as long as they are under $5.00 each.

BUT -- the more mature (and very beautiful) larger congos (approx. 3 inches not including tail) go for $15.00 each. No deals on these guys.

So, IF money was not the deciding factor, would you prefer to buy the little guys and watch them grow up? Or, would you give into the temptation and take home some of the big ones?

Are congos peaceful enough that I could mix them? Say, 2 large ones and several small ones??
Dorkhedeos said:
i like younger fish better because you get to watch them grow, cost less, and live longer
I agree. Plus, having done the fishless cycle thingy, you could go ahead and put the whole school that you want (8 IIRC) in at the same time since the juvie fish have a lower bioload.
I think it's much better to buy fish at a smaller size, unless being a small size would make the fish risk becoming food :) I think it's pretty funny when a person comes into a store and buys a $100 severum, when there are little ones for $15 a piece :lol:
Exactly! I've never understood why they sell the large Clown Loaches for 50$ when the little guys are 10$

You must just always remember the fishes eventual size when planning a tank. Good luck with the Congos though.

DB :fish:
Thank you for the replies! I agree that the smaller ones are the way to go....it's just so tempting you know, when you see how beautiful they are.

Can't wait to pick them up tomorrow!! :)
same with arowana and goldfish. big goldfish for 100 dollars, small goldfish for 1.50 dollars. small arowana for 20 dollars. big arowana for 300 dollars

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