What's your pet's favorite toy?

Our dog likes anything she can play tug of war with.

The rabbit loves the fireplace. I guess because it's a dark hole but he thinks it's so fun to jet in and out. His other favorite toy....are the bettas. Raa raa looves the betta room,he spends hours in there each night just pestering the fish :rolleyes:
omg, what pet!!!

The guinea pigs, Hercules and Merlin, dont really play. we bought them some toys but they sort of looked at them and walked right by them. now we just give them sweetcorn on a cob. keeps the occupied for hours.

The dog Bondu will have whatever someone else has got, but generally its the purple sports face ball thingy I got from work. :whistle:

the hamster Hamish LOVES his rolly ball. he chases the dog round in it!

and the new bird hasnt got any toys yet - i bought one but ill put it in tomorrow.

the other budgie just pecks anything you put in there - to be honest, his favouite toy is the telly - he will talk to it for hours! (tip: turn it on first!)
Koda said:
Jess said:
Indie my African Grey Parrot loves newpaper... or any paper really as long as she can shred it and make a mess... :rolleyes:
:lol: Must be a Grey thing...mine does it too :lol:

My big huge Shepherd/Chow pup's favorite toy is me.Second favorite is an almost eaten toy ear of corn.It used to squeak before she chomped the top off :rolleyes:


Wow!!! Another Grey owner!!! :D Whats yours called? how old?! lol

Mine also likes this 'hammock' thing ive got for my conure! Its way too small for her but she snuggles up and goes to sleep it it, its so cute!!!

Not a toy but thought id add that! :D

Millie loves her soft multicoloured pyramid toy. It used to rattle, until my housemate stood on it!

She also has a squeeker in the shape of a christmas stocking that she's rather partial to too!
my dog will play with water non stop. When it rains, she runs around the back yard trying to catch it. We have to bring her inside before it starts or she get saturated.

When inside, she will sit and watch the fish in the tank or the bird in the cage.

My cat steals my fiance's hair ties regardless of where they are.
Bubba, my Nanday loves this ropey ball thing. He rubs up on it, and talks to it, and tell it that he is a Good Boy :).

JoJo, my Green Cheek, loves this hanging bell thing with wood balls and little chewy disks. He hangs upside done from it, and talks into the bell.

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