What's Your Passion?

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I'm a girl.
Dec 19, 2005
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Orlando, FL, USA
What do you enjoy doing besides fish keeping? I would have to say I enjoy sleeping, because getting up at 5:45am on weekdays is killer. :/
I'm a writer, a (very poor) webmaster, and a (extremely poor) florist.
Genetics research, drawing, and tormenting my friends with horrors I find on the internet :D
sleeping, going to our caravan, going to the beach & just having loads of fun because i'm a big kid at heart :D
Well between a wife, uni and 4 kids between 6 months and 6 years whos got time for much else besides fish :)


know that feeling but i've got a hubby & 5 kids plus our puppy as well. fortunatly i don't work :hey:
R/C car racing, model building, & computers

Model building, thats one I used to do before marriage and a wife that complained about "awful smells" :lol: , now after I have about 3-4 hundred dollars worth of models and supplies sitting in the shed gathering dust :grr:

computers - I used to like designing web pages for fun before kid number 3, then lost the time :rolleyes:

Golf, Tennis, Pub, and avoiding shopping for clothes with the missus.

Work - Product Marketing, software.
My main passion is my car, I love tacking it to track days (don't tell my insurance company tho) :sly:
oh yeah.. cars too for me...

BTW.. you dont tell your insurance company.. what happens if you stack it.? or stack it into somebody elses car..?

What car is it by the way.. ? I used to have a lotus elise and regret never tracking it..

Qualified PC Technician ... Computers & Bluegrass Banjo. (5 string)
Can't play that well but... I try.
Qualified PC Technician ... Computers & Bluegrass Banjo. (5 string)
Can't play that well but... I try.

I'm working my way towards my RHCE this year.


I suck!
i collect toys. not just any toys though. urban vinyl ones (visit http://www.kidrobot.com and you'll get the general idea). spend far too much money on those things and my room is FULL of them. can't wait to get my own flat later this year and spread them out a bit hehehe.

i also mess around with web design. used to do paid ones, but my coding is rubbish, so now i just make sites to amuse myself.
mine is my car, not brave enough to take it to a track, but it looks good driving round the wonderful city of Norwich!!!!! oh and my chinchilla smokey is a very tame pet now after loads training and will come to u everytime u call!!! that was rather hard!!!! lol :lol:
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