After keeping male bettas this year and becoming more confident with them, I would really like to keep more than one at a time, that's when I started researching betta sororities. I'd love to keep 5 or 6 females, obviously in a larger tank with live plants and wood. But all the research I've done seems pretty 50/50. Some people say they are great, others say it's a very stressful environment for them and it's cruel. I would never want to put any fish in a potentially stressful environment, so I was wondering if anyone with a bit more knowledge would be able to help.
I understand that you could get a perfect bunch, or a really aggressive group, and a bit of it is down to chance. But are betta sororities inherently bad?
I understand that you could get a perfect bunch, or a really aggressive group, and a bit of it is down to chance. But are betta sororities inherently bad?