Whats Your Most Fav Cold/tropical Fish?

Can't speak for all fish. Of the ones that I've owned or have owned...

1. Bristlenose pleco - mine is all over the place and so cute
2. Mollies - each are so unique
3. Clown Loaches - way different personalities than other fish
4. Glofish/Zebra Danios - love the way mine school
5. Bettas - such vast colors and types; just gorgeous
is this only fresh water? oh well

1. clown loaches
2. malawi chiclids
3. angel fish
4. glow light tetras
5. black neon (?) tetras
1. red tailed black shark
2. puffers
3. betta splendens
4. angel fish
5. paradise fish
i was going to have african dwarf frogs as my number 5 but they arent realy a fish

p.s my top 5 changes quite a lot with different fish going in it and others coming out

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