Whats Your Most Fav Cold/tropical Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Chelmsford, Essex
Ok so we all love fish? I know i do but my fav top 5 fish are:-

5. Platys
4. Zebra danios
3. Cory catfish
2. Angels
1. Mollies

Mollies are my fav coz there so friendly and cute, you can look at them for hours. and what i think is cute about them is when ever you go near the tank they will always come and see you and follow you where ever you go around the tank, there just so cute.

What are your top 5 cold/tropical fish.
clown loaches
blue phantom pleco
tiger barbs
and all other plecos
1. Clown Loaches

2. New Guinea Red Rainbow Fish

3. Angel Fish

4. Malawi Cichlids - yea all of them lol, so much personality and character

5. Cobalt Blue Neon Dwarf Gourami (and gouramis in general.)
1. Discus.....the kings of tropical fish
2. Angelfish....so gracefull
3. Oscars....they are like little old men.....with gills
4. High finned sharks.....they look like little hahher heads.....well maybe not so little.
5. Male fighter fish......just so much colour and dare i say it.....an honourable fish.

....I wanted to put blackmoor in there as it was the first fish I ever got, I remember it well.....Batman had just come out in the pictures and I was too young to see it so my mam took me to Gregories pet shop in Jarrow to cheer me up as my brother and sister had gone to see it and I got my first tank with a blackmoor....and coz he was black I called him batman.
.....years later it turned into a fruit shop......Gregories pet shop that is, not the fish!

1. Platies-

2. Female guppies

3. Corys

4. Khuulie loaches

5. Bristlenoses- never kept them (yet) but always stop and look at them in the shops
1. Tiger Barbs
2. Green Tiger Barbs
3. Discus The most SW like FW fish
4. Sword Tails
5. Mollies

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