Fish Crazy
How often and what food do you feed your fish?
I have Corys, Mollies, Swords, SAEs, a Betta, an Amano and an Otocinclus. I feed them flake once, maybe twice a day (if I feel like it) and sometimes some bloodworms. Weekly I toss in some algae wafers and monthly I toss in some peas/cucumber/squash. The plants get a small dose of Leaf Zone and Flourish once a day. What about you?
I have Corys, Mollies, Swords, SAEs, a Betta, an Amano and an Otocinclus. I feed them flake once, maybe twice a day (if I feel like it) and sometimes some bloodworms. Weekly I toss in some algae wafers and monthly I toss in some peas/cucumber/squash. The plants get a small dose of Leaf Zone and Flourish once a day. What about you?