What's Your Feeding Schedule?


Fish Crazy
May 15, 2010
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How often and what food do you feed your fish?

I have Corys, Mollies, Swords, SAEs, a Betta, an Amano and an Otocinclus. I feed them flake once, maybe twice a day (if I feel like it) and sometimes some bloodworms. Weekly I toss in some algae wafers and monthly I toss in some peas/cucumber/squash. The plants get a small dose of Leaf Zone and Flourish once a day. What about you?
I feed my betta flakes once a day, my frogs bloodworms every other day, my goldfish pellets once a day, and my big 20 gallon tank flakes once a day and an algae wafer for the corys.
I feed mine whatever they can eat in 30-60 seconds. Anything else is over feeding unless it is a fish feeding off a tablet. Then i will leave it for up to an hour.

That is just what i do :)
I feed all my fish once a day. My main tank gets either one of two brands of pellets (hikari or new life), or one brand of flakes (aqueon). I give a pinch of one of those brands to the main tank which has green neons, corydoras, and a keyhole cichlid. I have to make sure I do enough and all at once so that at least a little bit gets past the keyhole to get to the neons and the corys. Then on Friday or Saturday, whichever day I stay out for the night they all get fasted. And whichever one of those days they aren't fasted on and I'm home they get frozen bloodworms or daphnia. Randomly I will give them cooked pea. My lone female betta gets the same thing as everyone else but I feed her by hand piece by piece until I think she's had enough.
I feed one big meal a day, and a few little snacks once in awhile.( 2-3 floating pellets) The big meal I usually mix frozen bloodworms, frozen brineshrimp, a few tropical flakes, and cichlids pellets and mash it up in a small cup with tank water. Then I use a medicine dropper to suck it up and administer the pack of fish waiting, I squirt the food directly into each little mouth waiting! I love how the whole bunch of them gather up and wait there like puppy dogs. Then I throw in 5-6 sinking wafers and 2 algae wafers at night for my cory's and pleco.
For my dwarf puffers I use the medicine dropper and feed 2-3 bloodworms each a day.

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