What's your favourite aquarium plant?

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Great finds, ColinBC!

I've had plans to use the Alternanthera reineckii in my new 20 gallon. I just received the light and canister filter in the mail! :hyper: I'll have it setup soon!

I've never seen Hygrophila Polysperma Rosanervig look that bright! I've seen pictures that display a pinkish hue, but they weren't near as beautiful as the one you posted!
I found the pic's after a bit of searching, actually. Thankyou anyways though. I do agree that the plants in the pic are beautie's! :whistle: My crappy 1MP won't take any distinguishable pictures. I'm looking into a new camera (4-5MP). The pic is actually quite like how mine looked when I bought it. Unfortunately my gold angel (and other's I'm sure) have taking a liking to the taste of the purple leaves. We'll see how it does though....

I'm going today to another LFS to ask about glossostigma. I asked one of the big LFS and they said they would see if they could pull some strings and get 5 in and call me and let me know, but their distributor only sells them in groups of 50. Apparently if they get these in, no one but me will buy them due to the light demands.

oh, I have that red leaved plant in the last post and the fish eat it and the leaves all fall off and get stuck in the filter. Its kinda annoying, lol. But it is really pretty.
Here's a good pic of some of my nicer plants. In the background there's Echinodorus Blehri and Hygrophila difformis, there's some smaller species of Ech. in the foreground and Eleocharis vivipara carpeting, there's a Crypt which I haven't identfied yet on the left and the Limnophila sessiflora on the right.

I'm just about to watch England play Portugal now, come on Rooney :D


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You're Echinodorus Blehri look very impressive. I've been having doubts about my banana plant as its not sending out any stems with leaves although there are roots growing down into the sand and little roots coming out the top growing downwards. Recently i have noticed a substance growing on it that closely rsembles mold :crazy: It doesnt look dead tho and is still green with a few brown patches on the banana shaped parts of it which were there when i recieved it.

I think my main problem is light, 0.8wpg :sad: and only room for one t00b.
My favorite would have to be either banana plants or Amazon Swords. Even though I've never been able to keep a banana plant for 3/4 of a year they still amaze me. I have two amazons and one is about tore up by my fish. I bought some Seaweed Selects so that hopefully will solve the problem.
I like anacharis plants cuz they're fast growing and the fish love it too...they nibble off of it all the time...a good way to make sure the fish always have a source of food if they're ever hungry. I also like sword cuz they have nice broad leaves and the fish like to hide behind them.
I went to the LFS I deal with for my plants today (they order for me) to see if my glossostigma had come in, and sure enough she brought in 25. I grabbed 6 of those and 2 huge limnophilia sessiflora's someone had just brought her. There's a couple pic's of my tank with the glosso and limno I planted tonight. The 2 limno's are about 5" away from the back right corner. The glosso's are circled in red on the first pic.


As well, while at the LFS I saw another nice plant I have to add to this list, Alternanthera reineckii Rosaefolia. I already added the Alternanthera reineckii Lilacina. The Rosaefolia variety I saw at the LFS is a light red on the base and the rest a bright pink. Once I get my Iron problem sorted out (plants can't get enough), I'll add a couple of these for a nice contrast. I'm told they are very tough plants to keep. There's a pic of these at the bottom. After browsing the net I'm guessing most have more green, but the one's I saw at the LFS wre a bit more colourful than these wit no green at all.



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Colin_BC, looking good!

What are your plans for planting the glosso? My 'plant advisor' ( :lol: ) told me to remove the weight (if there's one) and separate it into two bunches. Let it root out a bit, then place them individually a few centimeters apart to prepare for the 'carpet'. I wonder how well bunches alone would produce a carpet look, if at all. :dunno:

Please let me know how well the glosso works for you.
I've removed the weights and foam from the roots and planted the 6 bunches throughout the front of the aquarium. Now I just have to watch to se what happens with them....

Well, that attempt with the glosso didn't work so well. My black angel is quite fond of it and ripped half of it out before it could root. On the brightside, I'm now seeing brand new growth coming from the substrate around the remaining glosso. I also removed one large clump and put it in front of my driftwood in my 10G which I have just started to plant. The glosso in the 10G was showing new growth out of the substrate afrter a week.

I think the next time I put glosso in anything, I'll first leave it wrapped in the sponge and metal band and just sit it on the substrate. The metal band will keep it together tight enough to make it a challenge for my angel to rip apart. Since the bundles I get have no roots to begin with, I think by setting them on top it will allow for the roots to naturally anchor themselves into the substrate. Once new growth was about to cover the metal band I would then remove it. I figure that would be the cleanest way. Even without angels ripping it out, not to mention the ghost shrimp, it is very difficult to plant without the metal anchors, let alone keeping it planted.

Yes, it is a difficult plant to manage.

I put some in my tank about a month ago. I cut them into smaller pieces, similar to that pictured here. It's slowly sending off new shoots. The carpet will take a little time to fill in. So far I'm happy with the progress!

Good luck with yours!
I like the method suggested on that site. I have some plastic scissor-type tweezers that would work well. I'll try that with all the glosso that floats to the surface. I may even break up the remaining clumps and do that. It seems it's carpet much faster than my ways. Thanks for that link! :D

My fave plant is the C.wendtii. This plant I can NOT kill. I once had a some in a mini bow with a couple of fish in it. The fish eventually died. Took the fish out and burried them and about 9months later I turn on the light and it's still growing in the tank that I had forgotten about...lol.


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