What's Your Favorite?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 1, 2007
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Just would like to start up a post of what you guys favorite plants are...???
What plant is the most messy, what plant is the most neat?
Looking for some nice plants myself. Just getting some opinions first. :drool:
I like Crypts and Amazon swords myself. There not too difficult to keep. One plant I'll never buy again is Hornwort, very messy.
My favorite is Eusteralis stellata and Vesicularis dubyana (true java moss) both really easy to grow.
Least favorite is Glossostigma elatinoides , while it looks good for a while it grew like a weed and took over my tank.
After spending ages setting up a high light, CO2, EI tank, I am strangely leaning towards low light plants like the beautiful windelov fern....for higher light plants I like the smaller rotala species like rotundifolia and nanjenshan.
I'm a big fan of Anubias, I love the look of them and they are quite a hardy plant. I also like Java Moss, I've got some covering a piece of bogwood and it looks good.
I love Aponogeton Ulvaceus and its bright green curly leaves :wub: , hated my hair grass it was a dirt magnet :angry: and i love and hate riccia :wub: :angry: , love it when it starts to grow and pearl hate it when it decides to break free from the net and go walkabouts :)

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