Whats your favorite fish

My favotite fish is my 9 1/2" kissing gourami, Angel. I have had her most of my life. Whenever I come to the tank, she will wake up and come out to see me!!
guppygirl said:
I have 2 Dojos and they are so BIG! 6 inches long and a little bit bigger than a hotdog. Guess they eat too much, eh?
They are my favorite too. They are so much like dogs!
I am starting to like them! They look cute!
now can someone please tell me how to post a piccy from my pc? please :*)
My purple spotted gudgeon rules!!!!!! He has a black whole 4 a stomach. :pepsi:
#2 would have to be jewel cichlids bcuz they're the only fish i have ever raised :D

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