Whats your favorite fish


Nov 10, 2003
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Colorado USA
I know its hard to choose but if you had to say whats your favorite fish and whats his/her name? My favorite fish of mine is a paradie gourami and his name is Zues because he's the king of the tank.
Corydoras catfish, they are like lil tanks.... cute tanks. I don't have names for them.
I've liked discus for years. Only started to keep them late last year. I wish I would have started sooner.
guppygirl said:
I love all fish, big, small and ugly. (like the banjo catfish I've got, his name's Mr. plop because he looks like one :p )
:lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: What an original name! I love it! Maybe I will call mine Mr. Hankey! :p
I just recently found out that he will let me hold him! Not out of the water or anything like that, but while I was vacuuming the tank the other day, he wouldn't get out of my way so I moved him with my hands! He didn't even act like I was doing anything!
definetely my oscar. You can pet him all the time and he even seems to enjoy it. sometimes when im changing the water he brushes against my arm like a cat. You can hand feed him pellets and other fish. He's awesome
guppygirl said:
I think Banjos are like opossums. He was so listless when we got him, I lifted him out BY THE TAIL into the tank. Then after like 1 minute, he perked up and started moving around!!! SO WEIRD.
Yes, they are strange, aren't they? Mine comes out during the day and eats algae wafers right in front of me!

I love my guppies, I know they aren't all exotic and stuff but i think they are so cute!

I love my guppies too.........so pretty! :wub:

my new Otto (Raisin ), too

What a cute name! How original! :wub: :D

when im changing the water he brushes against my arm like a cat. You can hand feed him pellets and other fish

How neat is that?!?! :wub: :D :thumbs:
I currently just caught the Discus bug so i'll say that they are my favourite although very pricy :D
:D am very attached to my sucking loach.....because i've had him so long....his name is scooby and he eats scooby snax!!( so called by my 5yr old son who was just 4 at the time)

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