Whats Your Favorite Fish?


New Member
Jan 31, 2006
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Just wondering what everyone's favorite fish is.
Im not realy sure myself.
I like corys because they are comical and cute,but i also love bettas because they can be very pretty.
I dunno....... :)
I like Guppies and Rasboras, They match perfectaly in a tank together. Neons aint bad either especialy in large schools.
Right now, it my clown loach's.
yeah we have two of thouse they chase each other and sometimes fight,but never hurt each other.
I have four of these guys. The more there are, the more fun they are. I had some cocktail shrimp left over from a party. I cut it into small pieces, and fed it them. They started clicking like mad, and chasing each other around trying to steal the piece of shrimp from the other one. They are a fun fish, with lots of personality.

I don't like the parrot fish because they are not natural. It's a man made hybrid.
Its got to be my cories. I've got panda and albino they are so sweet.
My Dwarf Puffer... or the Male Endler... so small... so colourful... so feisty... steals the bloodworms from my Dwarf Gouramis mouths... the Trilineatus Corys are real characters too...
Jellybean Parrots. They are soooooo funny. They bicker like an old married couple.
i would say all my cichlids r my fav.specially my large cobalt.he USED to be dominant
today I love my clown plec best of all. (He's called Suck Face.) I gave him a noo piece of mopani and he is just soo excited. He can't get over himself!!

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