What's Your Favorite Affordable Fish?

This is a tough one!

If 1 I love the Emporer Angel....so sexy young and even better looking as a adult!
Seahorse ! ! ! !! ! ! ! :good:

I like twinspot gobies too.
True Percula Clowns :good: lots of personality. and can watch them swim 4 hours.
My is a Six-line wrasse. He comes out and stares at me when i come near the tank, swims all over the tank and even eats from my hand.
Small fish...
The Splendid Leopard Wrasse/ Peacock Wrasse/ Vermiculate Wrasse/ Divided Wrasse. (More accurately known as Macropharyngodon bipartitus)


Medium Large fish...
Asfur Angel or Emperor tang




Large Fish...
Orange Shoulder Tang
(My juvenile)


And my most favorite fish of all.

Sohal tang :wub: :wub:

(Web image)
Engineer gobies/convict blennies are my favorites :lol: definitely not on the high price range, but not always the most visible fish and not condusive to unstable LR piles. I'm mainly fascinated by the behavior. Clown gobies, although a PITA to feed sometimes, are also great little characters and not too expensive.

That Sohal Tang is gorgeous!
The Okinawan Goby, Clown Goby, sand sifters, tangs (sohals like navs), dwarf lions, anthias, cardinal fish like P. kauderni and the Pyjama Cardinal, but my most desired, sought after, and eventual fish, Powder Blue Tang..... :drool: (An LFS had the first one ive ever seen alive here in Adelaide SA, and im sure the price tag is going over $AUS 300
Yikes!!! :crazy:

You can get Powder blues over in the UK for about £40 :/
Wow. These price differences really shock me. A know a bloke in another state who bought 3 PBT's before he got one which has survived. I dont think I could afford to do that for one species.

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