Whats your favioret cory

peppered and bronze althou i do like the green peru one
I like Sterbai the best although I do like that green one! :muhahaha:
Mess with the green one and I'm going to mess you up!!!! Back away and put all claws, fangs, what ever back where they belong. He's mine and you can't have him :p :evil: :evil:
He really is my favorite.....didn't mention him cuz I wanted a pic of him to go up on the board to prove he does exist. Rose :D
Now then , o.k you win - you are right you know :good: , But most of the time it is called the Emerald Green Cory by people - Why ? do we know , anyone ? :D ..
Bronze is my favorite cory, followed closely by the Gold Lasers. The Bronze is just so friendly and confident.
will have 25 bronze up for sale in a few months if you like em that much :D
Blimey, this was dug up!! 2002!!! :blink:

Bronze are very confident indeed, but there are some very funky ones out there nowadays.

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