What's Your Dream Stock?


Fish Gatherer
Feb 25, 2021
Reaction score
South East, England
I'm not sure if this is just me, but I've noticed that my current stock looks very different to what I'd ultimately want as a stock. And since I'm currently in the process of trying to rehome a lot of my fish to make room for a stock that I actually want, I'm currently daydreaming about my dream stock. The kind that I'd sit and watch all day and make lovey eyes at while they swam around...
Here's mine. It's pretty unrealistic for now but I'm close to obtaining some of them! Notice that it's mainly catfish and loaches... I really love my catfish.

- Zebra plecos
- Rummynose tetras (I already have a school of these! Might get more one day.)
- Super red bristlenose plecos
- Otocinclus/dwarf suckers
- Black Venezuelan corydoras
- Upside down catfish (or really just any synos)
- Glass catfish
- Nerite snails
- A large group of giant fan shrimp

Tell me your dream stock!!
I couldn’t stock the fish I want to in my tank , I’d love a group of pacu don’t know why but it’s a fish Iv always wanted lol
Pacu scare me! My LFS has one on display. Massive beast. His name's Archie, I'm pretty sure.
I just adore them , I would probably be so disappointed if I owned them because they probably couldn’t live up to the expectations ahhhaha
I just adore them , I would probably be so disappointed if I owned them because they probably couldn’t live up to the expectations ahhhaha
To be fair they're not as bad as some of the fish I've seen. Silver arowanas are pretty scary in my opinion.
and common pleco,
Be prepared for its elusiveness, and a lot of poop! Also not to mention how big they can grow if you plan on keeping one for its full lifespan. Rehoming my common plec for that purpose. I'm assuming you live in the US, which sucks since I'd be happy to hand mine over to you otherwise.
as well as tetra,
What kind of tetras? My personal recommendation is rummynoses. Adorable little things, and they just dart back and forth across the tank all day.
rainbow fish,
I can't even comment on this one, I have no experience but I absolutely adore them.
one of those "syno-something" catfish,
Get upside down catfish!! They're so cute. I love synodontis catfish and their big ol' eyes.
1,000 cories,
What species would you get? If they didn't cost the world I'd go for eques and black venezuelan corys.
and a huge mysetry snail,
Fun fact: when I first heard about mystery snails I thought they were genuinely just snails you got online/in stores as a "lucky dip" kind of deal.
as big as a fist
There's a huge ryukin goldfish at my LFS. Scary beast. Big bulging eyes, looks like he's in pure anguish.
Be prepared for its elusiveness, and a lot of poop! Also not to mention how big they can grow if you plan on keeping one for its full lifespan. Rehoming my common plec for that purpose. I'm assuming you live in the US, which sucks since I'd be happy to hand mine over to you otherwise.

What kind of tetras? My personal recommendation is rummynoses. Adorable little things, and they just dart back and forth across the tank all day.

I can't even comment on this one, I have no experience but I absolutely adore them.

Get upside down catfish!! They're so cute. I love synodontis catfish and their big ol' eyes.

What species would you get? If they didn't cost the world I'd go for eques and black venezuelan corys.

Fun fact: when I first heard about mystery snails I thought they were genuinely just snails you got online/in stores as a "lucky dip" kind of deal.

There's a huge ryukin goldfish at my LFS. Scary beast. Big bulging eyes, looks like he's in pure anguish.

rummynose, skirt tetras, neons, cardinals, mexican Cave

i wanted upside down because it reminds me of one of my little cories, he always likes to be upside down at the top it's so cute!

id just get a bunch of expensive ones BUT i'd buy them in bulk so they cost just about a normal 3 usd. that would still be 3,000-4,000 usd thoough

haha, i also like nerites and those pink ramshorns and assasin snails. ramshorns and assasins can be a pain of what i have heard

i would actually like comets, but ryukins are cute lolol

also rasboras, any type


hard water betta

marine shrimp


ALL wild livebeareers
My dream stock would be

900 Cory Hastatus
500 Peppered Cories
1,200 Bloodfin Tetras
800 Cardinal Tetras
400 Black Skirt Tetras
300 Congo Tetras
18 Blue Sapphire/Diamond Discus
8 Yellow Valentine Discus
1 Starlight BN Pleco
2 Super Red BN Plecos
1 Longfin Albino BN Pleco

All in one massive tank, like the length of the longest wall in my bedroom, and I could sit and look at it from bed or from my desk
My dream stock would be

900 Cory Hastatus
500 Peppered Cories
1,200 Bloodfin Tetras
800 Cardinal Tetras
400 Black Skirt Tetras
300 Congo Tetras
18 Blue Sapphire/Diamond Discus
8 Yellow Valentine Discus
1 Starlight BN Pleco
2 Super Red BN Plecos
1 Longfin Albino BN Pleco

All in one massive tank, like the length of the longest wall in my bedroom, and I could sit and look at it from bed or from my desk

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