Well this is my first time for plants.
I switched out the carbon filter pad with some black aquarium spongs and some filter floss and the water seems clearer and ths the carbon doesnt remove stuff my plants need.
There is a bio wheel putting air in so says teh manual lol and the fish seems fine.
I have different plants though.
I have an amazon sword which I thin is ok.
The cabomba seems to be thinning out and every once in awhie I see a piece of it floating around.
The java moss I think is ok but I need to watch it a bit more.
My concern though is the corck screw val. It leaves seem to be like going clear in spots and spreading.
The lighting seems fine and saw other tanks like mine setup with same lighting with p,lants that looked healthy.
I switched out the carbon filter pad with some black aquarium spongs and some filter floss and the water seems clearer and ths the carbon doesnt remove stuff my plants need.
There is a bio wheel putting air in so says teh manual lol and the fish seems fine.
I have different plants though.
I have an amazon sword which I thin is ok.
The cabomba seems to be thinning out and every once in awhie I see a piece of it floating around.
The java moss I think is ok but I need to watch it a bit more.
My concern though is the corck screw val. It leaves seem to be like going clear in spots and spreading.
The lighting seems fine and saw other tanks like mine setup with same lighting with p,lants that looked healthy.