Whats Wrong With Them?

that can be an indication of bad water quality, what are you water stats, ie. ammonia, nitrites and nitrates ?
could also mean that there is low oxygen levels in the water
What temp do you keep your tank? The water should be around 26 degrees c for tropicals depending on the fish If it's higher then the water can't hold as much oxygen. To add more oxygen, either add an airstone to pump air through the water, or position your filter so the return breaks the surface of the water and makes bubbles in it.

I would also get a test kit that tests for Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and pH. These are the basic measures of water quality.

How often do you do water changes, gravel vac etc?
getting the filter output to break the water surface is best, airstones do very little, but look pretty.
as mhunt said you need a test kit for your water stats.
First things first.......API Testing Kit.

At the first sign of unusual behaviour the basic ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte levels should be checked then posted along with the symptoms for a more acurate resolve to your problem :good:

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