What's Wrong With People

oh my god that is horrible! some thing happened like that in a fishing lake in cambourne it had loads of carp and that in it then someone poured loads of toxic stuff in and killed all of them, it was a great fishing lake!
Haha those look like farm raised fish(i could be wrong tho). Being a fish farmer myself we had that happen one time that we were transporting 1200 pds of rainbow trout in our truck.. we got nailed from behind and it tossed our tanks on the ground... ALOT of trout in the ditch all died... Sucked big time. city cleaned it up for us tho.
Its a bad bad sign of the times unfortunatley. The government ae so busy asking us to be environmentaly friendly and recycle (which isnt a problem, obviously, and i enjoy doing it) but they need to target factorys and industrial areas, to keep tabs on what they are doing! Its like the whole flushing dead fish down the loo! Noooooo! If you do that you are putting gawd knows what back into the water system! Bag and bin it! GRJ :hyper:
If you do that you are putting gawd knows what back into the water system! Bag and bin it!

I'd rate a dead fish as far less toxic than what I flush down the toilet after a good curry if you know what I mean :rolleyes: :sick:
Some people are just careless. When these things happen it reminds me of (ok I don't mean to do any stereotyping) but it reminds me of
a bald fat guy who is wearing a very small t-shirt that bearly covers his chest and has a can of beer in his hands while pouring a barrel of toxic goo into a stream. I dunno...maybe I'm going crazy but that's just me. :dunno:
Some people are just careless. When these things happen it reminds me of (ok I don't mean to do any stereotyping) but it reminds me of
a bald fat guy who is wearing a very small t-shirt that bearly covers his chest and has a can of beer in his hands while pouring a barrel of toxic goo into a stream. I dunno...maybe I'm going crazy but that's just me. :dunno:

kinda like red green?

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